Book Title: Hell for Me I Dare Not even Think of
Author(s): Vimalprabhvijay
Publisher: Vimalprabhvijayji

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Page 22
________________ Here (we) cannot see / bear the punishment given in the prison, then how would we see the types of punishments in Hell? Is it possible or probable to go to Hell, see and come back? No.? One has come back here, perhaps directly from Hell, but one doesnot remember anything about Hell in this birth. Oh! The reaction of the proudy atheist starts even to the extent of questioning in pride and ego...there is no Hell. Where is Hell? Who says there is a Hell? These are talks merely to make us afraid of... there is nothing like Hell etc..By discussion the mithyātvi Jeev [i.e. the soul with false knowledge which it considers as true.] escapes/ frees himself from the thoughts of Hell as also misleads and misguides others, and as a result the quantum of committing of the sins freely, increases. Even today, the perfect and the exact word to word description of Hell - which the omniscient God has uttered by His own mouth by His[ Anantgyan]. Infinite & complete knowledge ...the same is described in clear words... in [Jain] Aagam scriptures. There has been a touching description of Hell as also of the sufferings in Hell in religious scriptures. God Mahavir has clearly described in His own words in Shree Uttarãdhyayan Sutra, also in 2nd Agam i.e; Suyagdããng Sutra (Sootra Kritāng) the description of Hell which gives hairraising experience. Hearing, reading, and going through the pictures can give even today the visualization of the Hell, and as such perhaps readers will desire, not to do / commit dreadful sins, not to repeat the commitment of the sins. Not only sins, but also how much severe punishments, for those sins are to be suffered, these aspects are also written at length. Therefore, one who notes sins and follows/ performs it, will such soul not note the connected punishments or the sorrows? 10) IN THE 18TH BIRTH / INCARNATION, TRIPRUSHT VASUDEV[SOUL OF GOD MAHAVEER) BECAME THE EMPEROR OF ALL THE 3 CONTINENTS ...who teared off a lion like a old worn-out cloth, threw away body of the lion in parts and the lion died. Killing this panchedriya tiryanch animal accumulated the sin of killing panchendriya. [i.e. life / soul with 5 senses.] The King had quarrelled with his Queen and under influence of the sins of Kalah [ quarrel), the King was not on speaking terms with the Queen, as such the Queen screamingly, weepingly and lamentingly got destined in constant bad, negative and ill thoughts- for her future birth. The King was enjoying the music to get better sleep. Upon getting disturbed from the sleep, he became angry and furious & got boiling lead poured in the ears of the attendants. Many dreadful sins were committed. He was an animal in the incarnation of a lion in a desert. Since, the birth was in violent species, there was no other alternate but to kill and eat the animals with 5 senses to quench the hunger. This too, amounts to a sin. One who commits sin would suffer pains and sorrows in terms of punishment, and one who does meritful religious acts - will get happiness. As you sow, so shall you reap. There is no exception/ partiality favour for any one. Karma has no discrimination whether the doer of the karma is a King, or a beggar, is rich or poor. Even such a great ruler of the 3 continents, Tripusth Vāsudeo in his 19th incarnation had to go to 7th Hell, due to the dreadful sins committed by him in 18th incarnation of tearing off the lion, pouring hot lead into the servant's ears. There, in 7th Hell he had to suffer the pains for 33 sãgaropam life period [1 sagaropam = infinite years] viz - in Maha Tamah Prabhã 7th Hell. - full of tense darkness. There is no rest, happiness, peace even for a while, in such Hell all these tremendous pains God Mahavir's soul suffered in such a Hell where a life - span is of such a long period. Here, the question is that, after suffering all these tremendous pains and sorrows in all such worst Hells, whether those Karmas got ended nullified/ discharged or not? Got those Karmas totally destroyed from roots and became free from the power or not? Karmashashtrakār [i.e. The authority on Karma Theory] denies. There is a clear proof that when God Mahaveer was in the 27th incarnation after obtaining Diksha si.e. becoming a Jain Monk] he got the nail hammered in his ears. The account of karmas was balanced by tremendously dreadful torture & pains. All the sins didnot end despite remaining in the 7th Hell for such a long period. Oh! If all the sins were to end in Hell, then there would be liberation from the Hell itself. But, it is not so. To end / purify sins in Hell - there it is no base or media or support of Dev [deity/ God],Guru (Saint), Dharma [Religion). If any sinful act is got committed or happens, there will be again one more birth meant to give suffering as it's consequential punishment. The punishment of many sins committed in a single incarnation, has to be suffered in several [future] incarnations. The 10th chapter of Dukhvipak [script] and sub - chapter 1 about Mrigputra etc. narrates that, due to the sins of one birth - the life has to go on suffering Oh God! Hell for me?!... I dare not even think of... (22)


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