Book Title: Hell for Me I Dare Not even Think of
Author(s): Vimalprabhvijay
Publisher: Vimalprabhvijayji

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Page 21
________________ The this age in the present life? And (1) must have lied before how many people? Is there any record or account of these sins? Has any one kept or maintained the record of the sins committed? Who keeps? (People) commit sins... sins are committed ... (People) go on committing sins. Therefore, each one is well aware of and is conversant with each and every type of sins, and is not unaware. Only the sin of telling lie is narrated, similarly theft, killing lives etc. violence, anger, attachment, pride, ego, treachery, fraud, too much greed, jealousy, blaming, hoarding, envy, quarrelling, back - biting, blaming innocent, excessive and unnecessary accumulating, indulging in falsely telling ill of other's, declaring as good or bad due to one's likings and dislikings, cheating, not believing in God - preacher - religion and its' sum and substance (The ultimate Truth)due to the practise of untrue knowledge etc.these sins of 18 types are committed by everyone till date, and where is the account as to how many times, by which and how many means, where, with whom, on what many subjects, in which many matters and in which many manners - those sins are caused or committed? And where is the record or account as to how many times the each of those sins, are caused, committed and repeated? We would be surprised ourselves and shocked to know the quantum of the sins which are committed in this present life alone which is of the Avasarpini Kaal's 5th Aãrã, where life span is shorter, then imagine about the millions and billions of years of life span period in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Aãrã's, as to how many times each sin we might have caused? Committed? How to prepare an account of those sins? In this way if all the sins of all the innumerable life incarnations / births are gathered-then even the God would describe its' total number as - what else than as "INFINITE SINS ?" In this way, life has habit to commit sins from infinite births/ incarnations. [Life] Is tremendously addicted to it. Endless/ infinite births/ incarnations have gone / passed, One period went for innumerable times. Even the sins got committed and were committed in all those lives, for innumerable times. In this manner, it is clearly understood that the lives are tuned to the culture of sinful activities. The habit. addiction and culture to implement and commit sins are very strong. But what about purifying the sins? Due to the tendency to commit sins and prior births' culture for committing sins, the sins are being committed in future period as also in future births too. At the time of maturity of the Karmas which are caused by the sinful activities, such Karmas re-cause committment of similar sinful activities. Hence, the soul attracts again the Bond of such Karmas, and when such Karmas become ripe - the activities of sins are again committed. In this manner, there is no end of sins and as a result the life does not get freedom from the vicious circle of 4 gati. [Heaven, Human - World, Hell, and World of birds and animals. and chakra of 84 [i.e. 84 lakhs places for birth for a life.] What difference does it make whether you believe in sin or in it's punishment or not? The punishment has to be suffered, which you are [supposed / destined] to get; even if not desired or believed Like poison, even if not believed, but after being taken/ drunk - it will certainly have its effect upon reaching in the stomach. Where is an alternate to the same? The soul of God Mahãvir, in the 19th incarnation has suffered severe punishment in the 7th Hell for a prolonged period of 33 săgaropam. depends upon the type of sins. The punishment for some sin's lead to 1st Hell, some to 2nd, some to 3rd, some to 4th, some to 5th, some to 6th and some to 7th Hell, where, accordingly for definite prolonged years of Sãgaropam - life has to suffer unbearable pains, which are the results / fruits or consequences of the sins committed by such soul / life. Shri Krishna says in Gita "कृतं कर्म अवश्यमेव oi, ifa yafa" "One has to certainly suffer the punishments for the sins committed by such soul, even after passing of the period of millions and billions of years. There is no escape from the same." In the Uttarădhyāna (sutra/ script] being the last sermon, omniscient God Mahavir has stated in the clear words "कडाण कम्माण न मोक्खोति" | There is no escape from the results of the acts of Karma. The manner in which Karma is made, one has to suffer for the same, accordingly. And what sentence a Magistrate or a Judge or others-would pronoun or give? When Karma itself would punish, it would be of a very long or of very dreadful / terrorful degree. And only the omniscient (Gods) can know whether or not, it would come to an end after many sãgaropam or very many re-births. If we take into consideration the punishment for the sins committed and understand the tremendous torturous punishment, our mind can easily withdraw from committing sins, and could soon become detached and return from the worldly sinful activities. H (21) Oh God! Hell for me?!... I dare not even think of..


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