Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 7
________________ Genesis 9:23: 15 God spoke to Noah, 16“Go out of the Whoever sheds human blood, ark, you and your wife, your sons, and your by a human his blood will be shed; sons' wives with you. "Bring out with you for in the divine image all the animals of every kind-birds, live- God made human beings. stock, everything crawling on the ground - As for you, be fertile and multiply. Popuso that they may populate the earth, be late the earth and multiply in it." 8God said fertile, and multiply on the earth.” 18 So to Noah and to his sons with him, 941 am Noah went out of the ark with his sons, his now setting up my covenant with you, with wife, and his sons' wives. All the animals, your descendants, and with every living all the livestock, all the birds, and every- being with you—with the birds, with the thing crawling on the ground, came out of large animals, and with all the animals of the ark by their families. the earth, leaving the ark with you." "I will set up my covenant with you so that never God's promise for the earth again will all life be cut off by floodwaters. 20 Noah built an altar to the LORD. He There will never again be a flood to destroy took some of the clean large animals and the earth.” some of the clean birds, and placed entirely 2 God said, “This is the symbol of the burned offerings on the altar. 2The LORD covenant that I am drawing up between me smelled the pleasing scent, and the LORD and you and every living thing with you, on thought to himself, I will not curse the fer- behalf of every future generation. 13 I have tile land anymore because of human beings placed my bow in the clouds; it will be the since the ideas of the human mind are evil symbol of the covenant between me and from their youth. I will never again destroy the earth. 14When I bring clouds over the every living thing as I have done. earth and the bow appears in the clouds, 22 As long as the earth exists, 151 will remember the covenant between seedtime and harvest, me and you and every living being among cold and hot, all the creatures. Floodwaters will never summer and autumn, again destroy all creatures. 16 The bow will day and night be in the clouds, and upon seeing it I will will not cease. remember the enduring covenant between God and every living being of all the earth's God's covenant with all life creatures." "7God said to Noah, “This is the God blessed Noah and his sons and said symbol of the covenant that I have set up to them, “Be fertile, multiply, and fill the between me and all creatures on earth.” earth. All of the animals on the earth will fear you and dread you all the birds in the Shem's blessing and Canaan's curse skies, everything crawling on the ground, 18 Noah's sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth and all of the sea's fish. They are in your came out of the ark. Now Ham was Canaan's power. 'Everything that lives and moves father. 19 These were Noah's three sons, and will be your food. Just as I gave you the from them the whole earth was populated. green grasses, I now give you everything. 2°Noah, a farmer, made a new start and “However, you must not eat meat with its planted a vineyard. 21He drank some of life, its blood, in it. the wine, became drunk, and took off his 5I will surely demand your blood clothes in his tent. 22 Ham, Canaan's father, for a human life, saw his father naked and told his two brothfrom every living thing I will demand it. ers who were outside. 23Shem and Japheth From humans, from a man for his brother, took a robe, threw it over their shoulders, I will demand something walked backward, and covered their naked for a human life. father without looking at him because they O SLXX; MT lacks all the livestock. "LXX; MT includes for all the animals of the earth.


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