Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 14
________________ Genesis 18:7 14 Abraham ran to the cattle, took a healthy toward Sodom, but Abraham remained young calf, and gave it to a young servant, standing in front of the LORD. 23 Abrawho prepared it quickly. Then Abraham ham approached and said, “Will you really took butter, milk, and the calf that had sweep away the innocent with the guilty?h been prepared, put the food in front of 24What if there are fifty innocent people in them, and stood under the tree near them the city? Will you really sweep it away and as they ate. not save the place for the sake of the fifty 'They said to him, "Where's your wife innocent people in it? 25 It's not like you to Sarah?” do this, killing the innocent with the guilty And he said, “Right here in the tent." as if there were no difference. It's not like 10 Then one of the men said, “I will defi- you! Will the judge of all the earth not act nitely return to you about this time next justly?" year. Then your wife Sarah will have a son!” 26 The LORD said, "If I find fifty innocent Sarah was listening at the tent door be people in the city of Sodom, I will save it hind him. "Now Abraham and Sarah were because of them." both very old. Sarah was no longer men- 27 Abraham responded, “Since I've alstruating. ?So Sarah laughed to herself, ready decided to speak with my Lord, even thinking, I'm no longer able to have chil- though I'm just soil and ash, 28 what if there dren and my husband's old. are five fewer innocent people than fifty? 13 The LORD said to Abraham, “Why did Will you destroy the whole city over just Sarah laugh and say, 'Me give birth? At five?” my age?' Is anything too difficult for the The LORD said, “If I find forty-five there, LORD? When I return to you about this I won't destroy it." time next year, Sarah will have a son." 29 Once again Abraham spoke, “What if 15 Sarah lied and said, “I didn't laugh," be- forty are there?" cause she was frightened. The LORD said, “For the sake of forty, I But he said, “No, you laughed.” will do nothing." 30 He said, “Don't be angry with me, my Abraham pleads for Sodom Lord, but let me speak. What if thirty are 16 The men got up from there and went there?" over to look down on Sodom. Abraham was The LORD said, “I won't do it if I find walking along with them to send them off thirty there." 17 when the LORD said, “Will I keep from 31 Abraham said, “Since I've already deAbraham what I'm about to do? 18 Abraham cided to speak with my Lord, what if twenty will certainly become a great populous na- are there?" tion, and all the earth's nations will be The LORD said, “I won't do it, for the blessed because of him. 1'I have formed a sake of twenty." relationship with him so that he will over- 32Abraham said, “Don't be angry with see his children and his household after me, my Lord, but let me speak just once him. And they will keep to the LORD's path, more. What if there are ten?" being moral and just so that the LORD And the LORD said, “I will not destroy can do for Abraham everything he said he it because of those ten." 33 When the LORD would.” 20 Then the LORD said, “The cries finished speaking with Abraham, he left; of injustice from Sodom and Gomorrah are but Abraham stayed there in that place. countless, and their sin is very serious! 211 will go down now to examine the cries of Lot leaves Sodom injustice that have reached me. Have they 10 The two messengers entered Sodom really done all this? If not, I want to know.” 17 in the evening. Lot, who was sitting 22 The men turned away and walked at the gate of Sodom, saw them, got up o 'Some ancient manuscripts read but the LORD remained standing in front of Abraham. 80r righteous "Or wicked


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