Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 33
________________ 33 Genesis 36:25 danger by making me offensive to those alone in the place where he spoke to him. who live here in the land, to the Canaanites 14So Jacob set up a sacred pillar, a stone and the Perizzites. I have only a few men. pillar, at the place God spoke to him. He They may join forces, attack me, and destroy poured an offering of wine on it and then me, me and my household." poured oil over it. 15 Jacob named the place 31They said, “But didn't he treat our sis- Bethel where God spoke to him. ter like a prostitute?” Benjamin's birth and Rachel's death Jacob establishes worship at Bethel 16 They left Bethel, and when they were 2 God said to Jacob, “Get up, go to still some distance from Ephrath, Rachel J B ethel, and live there. Build an altar went into hard labor. During her difficult there to the God who appeared to you when labor, the midwife said to her, "Don't be you ran away from your brother Esau." afraid. You have another son.” 18 As her life ? Jacob said to his household and to ev- faded away, just before she died, she named eryone who was with him, “Get rid of the him Ben-oni, but his father named him foreign gods you have with you. Clean Benjamin. 19 Rachel died and was buried yourselves and change your clothes. "Then near the road to Ephrath, that is, Bethlelet's rise and go up to Bethel so that I can hem. 20 Jacob set up a pillar on her grave. It's build an altar there to the God who an- the pillar on Rachel's tomb that's still there swered me when I was in trouble and who today. 2'Israel continued his trip and pitched has been with me wherever I've gone." "So his tent farther on near the tower of Eder. they gave Jacob all of the foreign gods they had, as well as the rings in their ears, and Jacob's family Jacob buried them under the terebinth at 22While Israel stayed in that place, ReuShechem. SWhen they set out, God made ben went and slept with Bilhah his father's all of the surrounding cities fearful so that secondary wife, and Israel heard about it. they didn't pursue Jacob's sons. Jacob and Jacob had twelve sons. 23 The sons of all of the people with him arrived in Luz, Leah were Reuben, Jacob's oldest son, and otherwise known as Bethel, in the land of Simeon, Levi, Judah, Issachar, and Zebulun. Canaan. 'He built an altar there and named 24 The sons of Rachel were Joseph and Benjathe place El-bethel, because God had re- min. 25 The sons of Bilhah, Rachel's servant, vealed himself to him there when he ran were Dan and Naphtali. 26 The sons of Zilpah, away from his brother. Rachel's nurse Deb- Leah's servant, were Gad and Asher. These orah died and was buried at Bethel under were Jacob's sons born to him in Paddanthe oak, and Jacob named it Allon-bacuth. aram. 'God appeared to Jacob again, while he was on his way back from Paddan-aram, Isaac's death and blessed him. "God said to him, “Your 2 7 Jacob came to his father Isaac at name is Jacob, but your name will be Jacob Mamre, that is, Kiriath-arba. This is Heno longer. No, your name will be Israel.” bron, where Abraham and Isaac lived as imAnd he named him Israel. "God said to him, migrants. 28 At the age of 180 years, 2'Isaac “I am El Shaddai. Be fertile and multiply. A took his last breath and died. He was buried nation, even a large group of nations, will with his ancestors after a long, satisfying come from you; kings will descend from life. His sons Esau and Jacob buried him. your own children. 12 The land I gave to Abraham and to Isaac, I give to you; and I Esau's descendants will give the land to your descendants after 2 These are the descendants of Esau, that you.” 13 Then God ascended, leaving him JOis, Edom. ?Esau married Canaanite : "Or God of Bethel *Or oak of weeping or God Almighty or God of the Mountain 'Or my suffering son o Or right-hand son or strong son


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