Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 37
________________ 37 Genesis 39:18: wore as a widow. 20 Judah sent the kid goat saw that the LORD was with him and that with his neighbor the Adullamite so he could the LORD made everything he did successtake back the deposits from the woman, but ful. “Potiphar thought highly of Joseph, and he couldn't find her. He asked the locals of Joseph became his assistant; he appointed that place, “Where's the consecrated worker Joseph head of his household and put evwho was at Enaim on the road?" erything he had under Joseph's supervision. But they said, "There's no consecrated From the time he appointed Joseph head worker here." of his household and of everything he had, 22 So he went back to Judah and said, the LORD blessed the Egyptian's household “I couldn't find her. The locals even said, because of Joseph. The LORD blessed ev"There's no holy woman here." erything he had, both in the household and 23 Judah said, “Let her keep everything in the field. So he handed over everything so we aren't laughed at. I did send this kid he had to Joseph and didn't pay attention goat, but you couldn't find her.” to anything except the food he ate. 24 About three months later, Judah was Now Joseph was well-built and handsome. told, “Your daughter-in-law Tamar has be- 'Some time later, his master's wife become a prostitute and is now pregnant be- came attracted to Joseph and said, “Sleep cause of it." with me." And Judah said, “Bring her out so that He refused and said to his master's she may be burned." wife, “With me here, my master doesn't 25When she was brought out, she sent pay attention to anything in his housethis message to her father-in-law, “I'm preg- hold; he's put everything he has under my nant by the man who owns these things. supervision. 'No one is greater than I am See if you recognize whose seal, cord, and in this household, and he hasn't denied me staff these are." anything except you, since you are his wife. 26 Judah recognized them and said, "She's How could I do this terrible thing and sin more righteous than I am, because I didn't against God?" "Every single day she tried allow her to marry my son Shelah.” Judah to convince him, but he wouldn't agree to never knew her intimately again. sleep with her or even to be with her. 27When she gave birth, she discovered "One day when Joseph arrived at the she had twins in her womb. 28 At birth, one house to do his work, none of the houseboy put out his hand, and the midwife took hold's men were there. She grabbed his it and tied a red thread on his hand, say- garment, saying, “Lie down with me.” But ing, "This one came out first.” 29 As soon as he left his garment in her hands and ran he pulled his hand back, his brother came outside. 13When she realized that he had out, and she said, “You've burst out on your left his garment in her hands and run own." So he was named Perez.k 30 Afterward, outside, 14 she summoned the men of her his brother with the red thread on his hand house and said to them, “Look, my huscame out, and he was named Zerah. band brought us a Hebrew to ridicule us. He came to me to lie down with me, but I Joseph's rise and betrayal screamed. When he heard me raise my When Joseph had been taken down voice and scream, he left his garment with to Egypt, Potiphar, Pharaoh's chief me and ran outside.” 16 She kept his garofficer, the commander of the royal guard ment with her until Joseph's master came and an Egyptian, purchased him from the home, and she told him the same thing: Ishmaelites who had brought him down “The Hebrew slave whom you brought to there. The LORD was with Joseph, and he us, to ridicule me, came to me; 18 but when became a successful man and served in his I raised my voice and screamed, he left his : Egyptian master's household. His master garment with me and ran outside." Traditionally cultic prostitute kor bursting out 'Or dawn


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