Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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________________ Genesis 31:43 30 Isaac-hadn't been with me, you'd have no Mahanaim.P 3 Jacob sent messengers ahead doubt sent me away without anything. God of him to his brother Esau, toward the land saw my harsh treatment and my hard work of Seir, the open country of Edom. “He gave and reprimanded you yesterday." them these orders: “Say this to my master Esau. This is the message of your servant Jacob and Laban's treaty Jacob: 'I've lived as an immigrant with 43 Laban responded and told Jacob, “The Laban, where I've stayed till now. SI own daughters are my daughters, the children cattle, donkeys, flocks, men servants, and are my children, and the flocks are my flocks. women servants. I'm sending this message Everything you see is mine. But what can I to my master now to ask that he be kind."" do now about my daughters and about their The messengers returned to Jacob and sons? 44Come, let's make a covenant, you said, “We went out to your brother Esau, and me, and let something be our witness."i and he's coming to meet you with four hun 45So Jacob took a stone, set it up as a dred men.” sacred pillar, 46 and said to his relatives, Jacob was terrified and felt trapped, so “Gather stones.” So they took stones, made he divided the people with him, and the a mound, and ate there near the mound. flocks, cattle, and camels, into two camps. 47 Laban called it Jegar-sahadutha,k but He thought, If Esau meets the first camp Jacob called it Galeed. and attacks it, at least one camp will be left 48 Laban said, “This mound is our witness to escape. today," and, therefore, he too named it Ga- Jacob said, "LORD, God of my father leed. 49 He also named it Mizpah, because Abraham, God of my father Isaac, who said he said, "The LORD will observe both of us to me, 'Go back to your country and your when we are separated from each other. relatives, and I'll make sure things go well for 5° If you treat my daughters badly and if you you.' 'I don't deserve how loyal and truthmarry other women, though we aren't there, ful you've been to your servant. I went away know that God observed our witness." across the Jordan with just my staff, but 5'Laban said to Jacob, “Here is this mound now I've become two camps. "Save me from and here is the sacred pillar that I've set up my brother Esau! I'm afraid he will come for us. 52 This mound and the sacred pillar and kill me, the mothers, and their children. are witnesses that I won't travel beyond this 12 You were the one who told me, 'I will make mound and that you won't travel beyond this sure things go well for you, and I will make mound and this pillar to do harm. 53 The God your descendants like the sand of the sea, so of Abraham and the God of Nahor" will keep many you won't be able to count them."" order between us." So Jacob gave his word 13 Jacob spent that night there. From in the name of the awesome one of his fa- what he had acquired, he set aside a gift ther Isaac. 54 Jacob offered a sacrifice on the for his brother Esau: 14two hundred female mountain, and invited his relatives to a meal. goats and twenty male goats, two hundred They ate together and spent the night on the ewes and twenty rams, Sthirty nursing mountain. 55oLaban got up early in the morn- camels with their young, forty cows and ten ing, kissed his sons and daughters, blessed bulls, and twenty female donkeys and ten them, and left to go back to his own place. male donkeys. He separated these herds and gave them to his servants. He said to Jacob prepares to meet Esau them, “Go ahead of me and put some dis2 Jacob went on his way, and God's tance between each of the herds." "He or Lmessengers approached him. When dered the first group, “When my brother Jacob saw them, he said, “This is God's Esau meets you and asks you, 'Who are camp," and he named that sacred place you with? Where are you going? And whose Or observation "LXX; MT includes their Or testimony Or mound of witness (Aram) 'Or mound of witness O father's God.°32:1 in Heb Por two camps Or you


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