Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 28
________________ Genesis 30:24 28 24 She named him Joseph, saying to herself, ing troughs so that they were in front of the May the LORD give me another son. flock when they drank, because they often mated when they came to drink. 39When God blesses Jacob and Laban the flock mated in front of the branches, 25 After Rachel gave birth to Joseph, they gave birth to striped, speckled, and Jacob said to Laban, “Send me off so that I spotted young. 40 Jacob sorted out the can go to my own place and my own coun- lambs, turning the flock to face the striped try. 26 Give me my wives and children whom and black ones in Laban's flock but keeping I've worked for, and I will go. You know the his flock separate, setting them apart from work I've done for you." Laban's flock. Whenever the strongest of 27 Laban said to him, “Do me this favor. the flock mated, Jacob put the branches in I've discovered by a divine sign that the front of them near the watering troughs so LORD has blessed me because of you, 28 so that they mated near the branches. 42 But name your price and I will pay it." he didn't put branches up for the weakest 29 Jacob said to him, “You know how I've of the flock. So the weakest became Laban's worked for you, and how well your livestock and the strongest Jacob's. 43The man Jacob have done with me. 30While in my care, became very, very rich: he owned large what little you had has multiplied a great flocks, female and male servants, camels, deal. The LORD blessed you wherever I took and donkeys. your livestock. Now, when will I be able to work for my own household too?" Jacob's household leaves Laban 3'Laban said, “What will I pay you?” 27 Jacob heard that Laban's sons were Jacob said, “Don't pay me anything. I saying, “Jacob took everything our If you will do this for me, I will take care father owned and from it he produced all of of your flock again, and keep a portion.h this wealth." ?And Jacob saw that Laban no 32 I will go through the entire flock today, longer liked him as much as he used to. out all of the speckled and spotted Then the LORD said to Jacob, “Go back sheep, all of the black male lambs, and all to the land of your ancestors and to your of the spotted and speckled female goats. relatives, and I will be with you." That will be my price. 33 I will be completely “So Jacob sent for Rachel and Leah and honest with you: when you come to check summoned them into the field where his on our agreement, every female goat with flock was. 'He said to them, “I am aware me that isn't speckled or spotted and every that your father no longer likes me as much male lamb with me that isn't black will be as he used to. But my father's God has been considered stolen." with me. You know that I've worked for 34Laban said, “All right; let's do it.” your father as hard as I could. 'But your fa35 However, on that very day Laban took ther cheated me and changed my payment out the striped and spotted male goats ten times. Yet God didn't let him harm me. and all of the speckled and spotted female If he said, 'The speckled ones will be your goats-any with some white in it—and all payment,' the whole flock gave birth to of the black male lambs, and gave them to speckled young. And if he said, “The striped his sons. 36He put a three-day trip between ones will be your payment,' the whole flock himself and Jacob, while Jacob was watch- gave birth to striped young. 'God took away ing the rest of Laban's flock. your father's livestock and gave them to me. 37 Then Jacob took new branches from 1°When the flocks were mating, I looked up poplar, almond, and plane trees; and he and saw in a dream that the male goats that peeled white stripes on them, exposing mounted the flock were striped, speckled, the branches' white color. 38 He set the and spotted. "In the dream, God's mesbranches that he had peeled near the water- senger said to me, Jacob!' and I said, 'I'm o for he adds 8Or them "Heb uncertain


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