Book Title: Genesis
Publisher: ZZZ Unknown

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Page 6
________________ Genesis 7:2 among this generation I've seen that you are the things crawling on the ground, birds, a moral man. ?From every clean animal, take livestock, wild animals, everything swarmseven pairs, a male and his mate; and from ing on the ground, and every human being. every unclean animal, take one pair, a male 22 Everything on dry land with life's breath and his mate; and from the birds in the sky in its nostrils died. 23 God wiped away every as well, take seven pairs, male and female, so living thing that was on the fertile landthat their offspring will survive throughout from human beings to livestock to crawling the earth. In seven days from now I will things to birds in the sky. They were wiped send rain on the earth for forty days and off the earth. Only Noah and those with forty nights. I will wipe off from the fertile him in the ark were left. 24 The waters rose land every living thing that I have made." over the earth for one hundred fifty days. 5Noah did everything the LORD commanded him. O God remembered Noah, all those alive, Noah was 600 years old when the flood- and all the animals with him in the ark. waters arrived on earth. 'Noah, his sons, God sent a wind over the earth so that the his wife, and his sons' wives with him en- waters receded. The springs of the deep tered the ark to escape the floodwaters. sea and the skies closed up. The skies held 8 From the clean and unclean animals, from back the rain. The waters receded gradually the birds and everything crawling on the from the earth. After one hundred fifty days, ground, 'two of each, male and female, the waters decreased; and in the seventh went into the ark with Noah, just as God month, on the seventeenth day, the ark came commanded Noah. 1oAfter seven days, the to rest on the Ararat mountains. “The waters floodwaters arrived on the earth."'In the six decreased gradually until the tenth month, hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second and on the first day of the tenth month the month, on the seventeenth day-on that mountain peaks appeared. day all the springs of the deep sea erupted. After forty days, Noah opened the winand the windows in the skies opened. ?It dow of the ark that he had made. 'He sent rained upon the earth forty days and forty out a raven, and it flew back and forth until nights. 13That same day Noah, with his sons the waters over the entire earth had dried Shem, Ham, and Japheth, Noah's wife, and up. Then he sent out a dove to see if the his sons' three wives, went into the ark. waters on all of the fertile land had sub14 They and every kind of animal—every sided, but the dove found no place to set kind of livestock, every kind that crawls its foot. It returned to him in the ark since on the ground, every kind of birdd - Sthey waters still covered the entire earth. Noah came to Noah and entered the ark, two of stretched out his hand, took it, and brought every creature that breathes. 16 Male and it back into the ark. 1°He waited seven female of every creature went in, just as more days and sent the dove out from the God had commanded him. Then the LORD ark again. "The dove came back to him in closed the door behind them. the evening, grasping a torn olive leaf in 17 The flood remained on the earth for its beak. Then Noah knew that the waters forty days. The waters rose, lifted the ark, were subsiding from the earth. He waited and it rode high above the earth. 18The seven more days and sent out the dove, but waters rose and spread out over the earth. it didn't come back to him again. 13 In Noah's The ark floated on the surface of the wa- six hundred first year, on the first day of the ters. "'The waters rose even higher over first month, the waters dried up from the the earth; they covered all of the highest earth. Noah removed the ark's hatch and mountains under the sky. 20 The waters rose saw that the surface of the fertile land had twenty-three feet high, covering the moun- dried up. 14In the second month, on the sevtains. 21 Every creature took its last breath: enteenth day, the earth was dry. O "LXX; MT every bird, every winged thing €Heb lacks the door. For the windows of the skies


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