Book Title: Essence of Jainism Author(s): Sukhlal Sanghavi Publisher: L D Indology Ahmedabad View full book textPage 9
________________ ACCEPTANCE OF INDEBTEDNESS OF ELDERS - AN HUMBLE EFFORT (Gujarati Version) Nearly fifty years have passed over the establishment of our publication house, Gurjara Grantharatna Kāryālaya. Our grandfather Shri Jagashibhai Morar, our elder uncle Shri Shambhulalbhai, our father Shri Govindlalbbai and our uncle Shri Chhaganlalbhai-all these respected elders commenced their business-activity as booksellers. They took untiring troubles to see that books reached every house. It is simply due to this that to-day our Organization can take the credit of publishing refined, cultured and interesting books in hundreds. Our family is happy to-day, again on account of the untiring effort and honest activity of our elders. As we bring to meniory their good turns on us, our heads bow down in a spirit of thankfulness before them. These our four elders are no more. Yet their open-hearted, honest and sincere work has become a guide of all time for us. This was our feeling since quite some time. We are so very much under the debt of our elders. We have won fame in Gujarat as respected and sincere publishers. All this is due to our elders. We should therefore take up some activity by which we cao, to some extent, become free from this indebtedness. This thinking gave birth to “ Shri Shambhulal Jagashibhai and Shri Govindlal Jagasbibhai Memorial Books Trust." We are delighted to-day to publish “The Essence of Jainism" written by revered Shri Sukhalalji, as the first in the series. Revered Pandit Sukhalalji is an undisputed scholar and authority of renown on Indian philosophical systems, religions and othor allied lores. He was, however, always anxious, worried and caroful about our development and help in calamities. We and our elders are, therefore, very much indebted to him. It is therefore, a good luck for us that we could catch this good chance of publishing the learned work of this scholar. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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