The biggest enemy of Equanimity is the possessiveness, hence the vow of non-possessiveness should be studied in its implied sense and in practical uses nononly the relinquishment of property should be given importance but the relinquishment of greed imbibed in it. The greed of wealth has created havoc in today's inconsistent world and has trampled down Humanity. In its existence the hope of equanimous organisation will be mere a day dream (hoplessness). In addition to wealth and property, authority, rank, reputation etc are also included in the definition.
Let there be equitable arrangement of possession, it may also be utilized for the maintenance of worldly life, but no sooner meum or attachment towards it continues to be diminutioning then it will also not remain ruinous-It will simply be the means of salubrious maintenance of life.
An ascetic also needs food, but he has no attachment to this. He accepts it indifferently. In the same way when possession exists to maintain life, and life is not ruined to attain possession, then only shall dawn the day of equanimous life. This is the implied meaning underlying the vow of non-possessiveness.
As much progress is made in life in the observance of these five vows according to one's capacity and his development, it is certain that much social effect will spread by that individual observance and with both types of effects having combined, will contribute to create whole-some atmosphere for the evolution of Equanimity.
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