ties will creep in and if they are rightly contended then the phases of incongruities will vanish. In that condition these difficulties will courageously divert a man towards equanimity. The Story of Equanimity amidst the Practical knocks :
This is a fact that at the root of man's mind there lies ingrained an ardour of Equanimity. He errs, tumbles but whenever he gains a little or more awareness, he tries any how to procure moderation. It is the result of this very ardour that a man has achieved success in the field of equanimity.
With a spiritual angle of vision, human society brought forth such dignitaries, who having become the Beaconlight of Equantmity, installed new ideas and Values. You have read and heard the renunciatory biographies of big personages and saints, which explicitly demonstrate that for the preservation of equanimity they did not count any sacrifice more valuable. Total renunctation remained their ideal.
In the worldly life also, in various spheres a man has always tasselled for the defence of Equality.Having extricated out of the harsh atrocities of despotism he has in the political field achieved for every one the right of equal voiethis acquisition of his in the political sphere is not a petty one. This is an another thing that due to not being able to establish equality in other spheres, this right of equal vote has not been necessarily effective. Efforts are now afoot to bring evenness in the Economic field also. The sooner the gap between the opulents and destitutes is covered, the sooner shall alikeness between them enhance affecti
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