he was ignorant of their derivation from Sanskrit but because they were not current in Sanskrit Dictionaries in the sense which they acquired in Prakrit. Whenever a 'tadbhava' word is found used in a sense different from that of the original Sanskrit he gives a place to it in the list of Desī words.' Sometimes even when the sense of a 'tadbhava' word is the same as in Sanskrit he includes it in his Deśínāmamālā to popularise his work with those readers who consider themselves masters of Prakrit but are ignorant of Sanskrit. Because Hemacandra imposed upon himself the above restrictions in the selection of Desi' words to serve certain definite practical purposes and not because he was ignorant that he has excluded some words that modern philology regards as 'Desī' and on the other hand has included many 'tadbhava' words that any student of Prakrit even without the St. Petersburgh Dictionary at his disposal would refuse to call Desī.
In spite of the clear statement of Hemacandra of the latitude exercised by him in the selection of words for his Deśīnāmamālā many scholars have brought the charge against him of including many "Tadbhava' words in the Desīnāmamālā through ignorance. Dr. G. Bühler writes as follows
“Hemacandra, therefore, enumerates in his commentary on the Desīšabdasangraha a great many words which all or some of his predecessors had considered to be Deśīs', but which he includes among the 'tadbhavas' or 'tatsamas.' A student of Prakrit on the other hand, who has the Petersburgh Dictionary at his disposal, can easily convict Hemacandra of numerous errors and show that he too, in spite of his rare
1 Desināmamāla, 1, 9, 18, Com.
Ibid., 1, 21, Com,