xiv Chāyā
सुन्दर गौराङ्गयां गौरी अद्यैव तस्यां सुप्रसन्ना।
विरलविन्दुवर्षंधुतभेके आगतोऽसि यत् काले ॥ Eng. Trans-Oh lovely (fellow), Gauri has to-day become well-disposed towards the fair-limbed (lady) as you have come at the season when the frogs become agitated with drizzlings
Remarks.-Pischel's reading makes kayfst a vocative meaning 'Oh drizzling rain' and valfarg apparently in the locative meaning in frog. Neither of these words can be syntactically connected with संदर in the vocative and काले in the locative. Thus the reading of Pischel is no doubt a good instance of what he regards as Hemacandra's 'incredible stupidity.' By combining the separated words, given by Pischel, into a compound qualifying flat we get a very poetical description of the rainy season and the whole stanza becomes a very appropriate welcome to the lover, arriving at the advent of the rains to his darling. Reading adopted by Pischel
ओईकिरि पोहट्ट च य ओलंकिं च सारवेसु घरं ।
प्रोचुल्ले पोलिभं दह ओलिप्पिहो तुह णणंदा॥ 1. 121. 153. Chāyā—
हसनशीले हास्यं च च छन्वरमणक्रीड़ां च समारचय गृहम् ।
चुल्लेप्रकदेश उपदेहिकां दृष्ट्वा हसिष्यति तव ननन्दा ॥ Reading improved
ओहंकिरि ओहह चय ओलंकिं च सारवेसु घरं।
पोचुल्ले ओलिभ दह, प्रोलिप्पिही तुह णणंदा ॥ Chāya
हसनशीले हास्यं त्यज छन्द्ररमणक्रीड़ाञ्च समारचय गृहम् । चुल्लेकदेशे उपदेहिकां दृष्ट्वा हसिष्यति तव ननन्दा ॥
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