Book Title: Descriptive Catalogue Of Manuscripts Vol 02
Author(s): Shripad Krishna Belvalkar
Publisher: Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute

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Page 344
________________ H. Prakrta Grammars 331 शब्दानुशासनवृत्ति Sabdānusāsanavștti अभ्याव ८ chapter VIII 284 No. 294 1873-74 Size - 101 in. by 47 in. Extent - 65 leaves, 13 lines to a page, 50 letters to a line. Description-Country paper. Devanagari characters, bold, legible and fairly correct handwriting. Margins ruled in black, square blanks in the centre. Red chalk used. The side margins of the first few leaves are full of numerous anonymous marginal notes written in a very small hand. Foll. 63 wanting. Some of the leaves towards the end slightly damaged in the margins. Otherwise complete, containing the commentary on the 8th Adhyāya only. : The Ms. comes from Bikaner. Age - Old in appearance. Author - Hemacandra. Subject -- The author's commentary on his own Sabdanusāsana sūtras, Adhyāya VIII, dealing with the peculiarities of प्राकृत. The Vrtti is called प्रकाशिका in the Ms.; it is nothing but the continuation of the IT noticed before. In connection with this chapter there do not seem to have come down to us two वृत्तिs a larger (वृहत् ) and a smaller (लघु), as is the case of the preceding seven Adhyayas. Begins - बह ॥ अथ प्राकृतं ॥ अथशब्द [आ]नंतर्यार्थोऽधिकारार्थश्च । प्रकृतिः संस्कृतं । तत्र भवं तत आगतं वा प्राकृतं । संस्कृतानंतरं प्राकृतस्यानुशासनं सिद्धसाध्यमानभेदसंस्कृतयोनेरेव तस्य लक्षणं न देशस्येति ज्ञापनार्थ । संस्कृतसमं तु संस्कृतलक्षणेनैव गतार्थम् ।। Ends - सिद्धग्रहणं मंगलार्थ । ततो ह्यायुष्मच्छ्रोतृकता अभ्युदयश्चेति ॥ इत्याचार्यश्री. हेमचंद्रविरचितायां सिद्धहेमचंद्राभिधानस्वोपज्ञशब्दानुशासनवृत्ती अष्टमस्याध्यायस्य चतुर्थः पादः समाप्तः॥ अष्टमोध्यायः समाप्तः॥ समाप्ता चेयं सिद्धहेमचंद्रशब्दानुशासनवृत्ति(:) प्रकाशिकानामिति समाप्तमिति ॥ भासीद्विशांपति० ॥१॥ तस्यान्वये० ॥ २॥ सम्यग्निसेन्य० ॥३॥ तेनाति: ... विस्तृत०॥४॥


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