Book Title: Bruhat Katha kosha
Author(s): Harishen Acharya, 
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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Page 551
________________ 392 BĶHAT-KATHAKOŚA [126. 243 serves no special purpose. 249a Rather विद्युन्मालि-, also at 255a. 250d More than once जातिस्मरी for the usual जातिस्मरा, so also मनोहरी for मनोहरा. 264b Rather सिद्धार्थः खा. 2720 ममार, primitive for the causal. 128) See the Intro. p. 27; our story agrees with the second. 16a Here we have पादोपगमन, cf. पादोगमन at 126. 236. 36 More than once we get चक्रवर्तीसुख for the usual चक्रवर्ति', चक्रीकथानकम् for चकि' etc. 129) See the Intro. p. 29. 226 Better स्मितं for स्थित. 46a Better उग्रं ततस्तपो. 130) प्रभाचन्द्र has got a pretty short story and it runs thus: मध्ये गङ्गमित्यादि अस्य कथा । पणीश्वरनगरे राजा प्रजापालः श्रेष्ठी सागरदत्तः श्रेष्टिनी पणिका तत्पुत्रः पणिको नाम । स वर्धमानखामिनं पृष्ट्वा निजायुः स्तोकं ज्ञात्वा तपो गृहीत्वैकविहारी जातः । गङ्गामुत्तरतस्तस्य नौ वुहा स च केवलज्ञानमुत्पाद्य निर्वाणं *TS: 11. Though the central idea is the same, a story with more details is given by हेमचन्द्र in the परिशिष्टपर्वन् VI, 43-174. Two forms of the name, एणियापुत्त or एणिकापुत्र and अन्नियाउत्त or अन्निकापुत्र are current; प्रभाचन्द्र पणिक, however, appears to me a misreading of एणिक. See also the Introduction p. 26. 131) 23c Read वापीसौधा. 320. यत्र for तत्र? 50b °चेतसा? 660 नैर्ग्रन्थं? 73d Are we to read महीपालः पुरःसरीम् ? 80a प्रीतचित्तानां? 132) See the Intro. p. 29. 4d Rather नः for मे. 134) 10a Are we to read अम्ब तिष्ठ in the light of 17 below? 11c Rather अतोऽमङ्गल. 16a Rather निर्वा . 23d सनौ, Primitive for the Causal. 26d Rather भारत. 39b Context requires श्रीदेव्या तनयो . 41c Rather वृतश्चाा . 42 अंशुमत्याः? 50b Better कृत्वा चैक. 54 श्रीधर and श्रीदत्त are promiscuously used; भगवती आ., however, has सिरिदिण्ण = श्रीदत्त. 135) 21 Are we to read न च for वचः and नो (= नः) for न? 136) See the reference to कत्तिय and कार्तिक etc. in the Intro. pp. 26, 32. 7c याचयित्वा causal for the primitive. 10a Or even शरवनच्छायागुप्तायां. 137) See the Introduction p. 26. 3d प्रविशन्मुदा? 4d Better गच्छन् गीतं. 50 मुक्त्वाऽप्र. 8c Better either सारां or सोऽरं for सारं. 138) 516 Rather कुर्वाणे नरनायक. 57 The text is wavering between विद्युचर and विद्युचौर. 139) 6b क्रीडितं? 286 उपचर = उपरिचर. 38d ममार with the causal sense. 50d As usual the Perf. Parti. serves the purpose of a verb. 65a Better मुखकीर्णेन. 82d Better गता त्वं. 86 We have the use of Instru. Abso. here. 93 Rather विलिखिन् क्षेत्रं; and लाङ्गलेन for लाङ्गुलेन, ef. 107. 4. 95c Context requires दुष्टचेतस्के. 105c प्रजज्वाल Primitive for the Causal. 106c Rather संप्राप. 1176 स पामरः = कौङ्कणः, see 120 below. 1216 Rather स्वकं for खयं. 135a Note the expression रजनीपश्चिमे यामे. 167d Rather यत्पथ्यं. 140) See the Intro. pp. 27, 32, the references to चिलाइपुत्त or चिलातपुत्र. According to Prakrit grammars किरात = चिलाय; so चिलात may be a backformation; and the correct Sanskrit name would be farah. Prabhācandra gives under this story some of the details which are already included under his story No. 55 above. Both the stories deal with श्रेणिक and his family. 141) 13 प्रभाचन्द्र rightly reads धन्य. 17c Are we to read इममाह्वयति? 25d. Rather नरनाग मुनीश्वरः. 28d Better तथैव. 426 Read footnote 5 [°षधः. 142) Compare कल्पसूत्रभाष्य p. 915. See also the Intro. above p. 27. The name of the town is कुम्भकारकट according to प्रभाचन्द्र. 143) 3d Note that the Mss. waver between चाणक्य and चाणाक्य; प्रभाचन्द्र also reads चाणाक्य; but it is the first that is more usual. 20 The details about the minister कल्पक (परिशिष्टपर्वन् VII, especially 85-115) remarkably agree with those of Kavi here. This story may be taken with No. 157 below and compared with परिशिष्ट. VIII, where many details about वररुचि, शकटार and चाणक्य are given. See also अनेकान्त II, 105; Intro. p. 27 above. 27a दृष्ट्वाऽसौ ? 29c Note the Samdhi शेषतोन्मूलयामि. 30d पर्याप्तं- अलं, 32a Rather नोन्मूल्यते. 33c Are we to read चाप्नोमि? 37 Corresponding Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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