Book Title: Bruhat Katha kosha
Author(s): Harishen Acharya, 
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ 391 -126. 243] NOTES to read खिन्नखदेहस्य qualifying मम? 112) 12c Rather वार्तिकाः. 26b Rather नान्दनं. 38 See 10. 97. 41 कषायाख्य for कषायक्ष (also in 42); कुलमर्यादा [कृता]? 113) 4c Rather यौवराज्यं. 76 पश्यन् दिनं? 114) 3 Rather गान्धर्वे and गान्धर्वमद. 8a Are we सा for वा? 11 Mss. read गन्धर्व for गान्धर्व. 18d Rather ततः कुरु मम स्फुटम्, 20a Better अन्येऽन्तेवासिनः. 30d रुष्टमानसा? 31 यावत्-तावत् used in the sense of यदि-तर्हि ? 40d Are we to read प्रवृत्तो नदितुं निशि? ' 42d Or ससार भयदुःखदम्. 115) 4a समारुहूय, what is the object? 106 ara ficar, causal for primitive. 116) 8c Context requires ad. 10c fere is a Prākrit root; we want faetrait or late trent qualifying 316H. 23d Or we might read वित्ता for रिन्ना. 38a अशिक्षत्, note the परस्मैपद. 4ld Better पुष्पादि. 456 Rather करणं, also at 52d, compare 53a. 6la Note the hiatus. 117) 50 Rather कौतुकात्. 13d सुप्तकः ? 200 मूशल, but the usual spelling is मुसल; in the next verse मुशल, which is noted by Lexicons. 21 The second uie is metrically defective, better 'श्रीषेणा चापि तत्सुता; ममार Primitive for the Causal. 118) 14b Rather °दलाम्बकाः. 38a Are we to read निशातभल्लिकाकारां? 50 Note the Gen. Absolute. 51b कुमारशतं ? 119) 6c याचय etc. causal for the primitive. 136 Rather खनन्नत्र. 186 Better °समा भोगा भीमा नरकपातिनः. 2la Are we to read सर्वभूतहितं? 120) 1d Metrically defective: so better सिंहोपपदको बलः, cf. श्वेतोपपदको रामो at 122. 5. 90 अपश्यन् ? 121) 9d. चरदेकत्र? 10d Is it पारणेच्छया ? 12 The Mss. use various forms पडक, पण्डक, पड्डिक, पट्टकं, पट्टिक and पटुक in this chapter to signify a calf. 15a यदा for यथा? 41d निहतास्त्वया?, also at 43d. 122) 46 यमदग्नि looks like a hyper-Sanskritisation, the usual spelling being जमदग्नि. 123) 3c Are we to read नरैलॊके ? 124) 10c तोमर = नाराच. 12a प्राप्य in the sense of प्रापय्य. 126) 66 Rather मौW. 10a Note कौशम्बिका for the usual कौशाम्बिका. 15d Better °संयुक्तस्तत्त्वज्ञानमबूबुधत्. 22a Better accept the reading of ज, तेनोत्तिष्ठ, which preserves the metre. 26d Rather दयावादगिरिं. 29c येनास्यागेहिनो, अगेहिन् = अनगार. 45c Why not लोचनत्यक्ता? 466 खादयन्ती Causal for the Primitive. 47d. किं for तु? 48d द्विजमानवः? 73b Here जिनपुङ्गवः, but below in 201 जैनपुङ्गवः. 76 पौष्करेणाशु? 113c Or we are to read नरसंघस्य ? 122-23 There is some repetition in these two verses. 133c Rather प्राप. 134b Are we to read 'निषेवकः? 150a पञ्चानि is either irregular for पञ्च or better read पञ्चापि. 158a Better साधुवचोऽदीनं. 161d. उच्चरन् = उच्चारयन्. 1620 Note महाराजन् for महाराज and मुष्ट for the usual मुषित. 1716 जातिस्मरी for "स्मरा, see 196 below. 172d Nine letters in the पाद. 2060 Better पूर्वस्नेहात्रि. हेमचन्द्र's परिशिष्टपर्वन् , XI, 128-78, also gives a story of अवन्तिसुकुमाल; the basic contents are nearly the same, though some details differ. See also the Introduction p. 26. 2180 Or perhaps द्वात्रिंशद्वनितासखः. 227 It is obscure; are we to read तु पुडिकान्तरम् ? 232d. We want परिप्रच्छनम् , but note the metre is slightly disturbed; also at 240d. 241 प्रबुद्धत्वं? 2596 कालगते? 127) See the Intro. p. 29, the reference to सुकोसल. 4 प्रार्थ is rarely परस्मै. 15 Instru. Absolute. 25a Rather विहायेदं. 270 न for च? 680 तूष्णीभाव = तूष्णींभाव. 76b Rather याचयित्वा, causal for the primitive. 79a Perhaps यतिवेषं. 110d चम्पापुरीभुवा? 1170 Rather सुरूपां. f. 119 below. 1420 क्षिप्रमानयत? 145c Metre requires तूर्ण मौक्तिकानि. 149a Either उपश्रुत्य or उपाश्रित्य. 172c Note the use of the Accu. "स्नेहं. 173d दक्षिणे? 188d Perhaps पृच्छेरेतां; potential for the past. 2080 More than once these Mss. have no विसर्ग for श्री in the Nom. sing; see 131. 3 also. 214d सालसः = सालस्यः, 221d. विस्मयन् , note the परस्मैपद; or are we to read विस्मयात्? 222a Rather गाहिल्लकं. 227 Note the use of both सद्यो and आशु. 232a Rather मनोहरीकृते. 243a या Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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