Book Title: Bruhat Katha kosha
Author(s): Harishen Acharya, 
Publisher: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan

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________________ 390 BĶHAT-KATHAKOŚA [ 105.128 (145-46). 128c Rather Hazestauro, He used with the sense of the past as usual; or भवश्रीषेण is his name, see verses 136-37 below. 135c Better कथिता तां समाकर्ण्य. 1380 देहि in the sense of ददासि, cf. 18 above. 146d Rather खं for त्वं. 153c Rather ततस्त्वद्वचनं. 1576 उत्तीर्य = अवतीर्य. 164c Either ममाभ्याशं or मदभ्यांशं. 185a Rather राजश्रेष्ठिन् , see 231, 234 below. 197d Better निति for निवृत्ति. 200 गृहसिद्धेन, Inst. Abso. 205d Rather भयानकान्. 2146 Context requires मेदजनिश्चयं. 2200 Rather नियतं. 227a Better नाम. 236b Rather कथितेऽमुना. 245c Rather दृष्ट्वाऽऽशु भू". The narrative about Hari, in the Kathākośa translated into English by C. H. Tawney (London 1895), pp. 117-23, has some details common with our story; also see 102*10 above. 269d Or are we to take निष्टपात्, Abl. sg. from निष्टप, excessive heat? 2746 Omit footnote 5; and the construction may be taken as irregular. 279a Rather कौशम्बीकापुरो? 293d खोपसर्गस्य ? 301d Context requires ग्रहीतुं. 3026 Or चतुर्थनरके जातो दशसागरजीविते. 312 There is यतिभङ्ग in the first पाद and the name of the village is not Sanskritic. 3316 Note चतुर्विंशत्. 106) See भावपाहुड 46. 9d. Or even स्थितोऽतपत्. 14a According to the usual name कालिन्द्याख्य. 26a Note तिष्ठती for तिष्ठन्ती. 296 Rather ता जगी. 306 Are we to read क्रोधमाप? 520 Note भवन्त्यः for भवत्यः and कुर्वन्त्यः for कुर्वत्यः in 59 below. 600 Note the form मकां. My friend Prof. M. V. Patawardhan draws my attention to the fact that जगन्नाथ पण्डित uses मयका for भया in his चित्रमीमांसाखण्डन (p. 1): सूक्ष्म विभाव्य मयका समुदीरितानाम् । अप्पय्यदीक्षितकृताविह दूषणानाम् । निर्मत्सरो यदि समुद्धरण विदध्यात् । अस्याहमुज्वलमतेश्चरणौ वहामि ॥. 61c Is it पश्चाद्धि रामाणां? 676Rather वायुभक्षणकं चापि; it may be noted that Mss. uniformly read मात्सिक for मात्स्यिक. 74b Rather श्रद्दधासि न सांप्रतम. 95d Omit स. 1160 Rather पञ्चभिर्दण्डै". 1200 Note the hiatus. 123d Better भिक्षां यो न. 125d कमपि? 128 Note the tautology, both शोभनम् and युज्यते. 1300 Better मद्भारतीप्रपञ्चेन. 131a Perhaps ताः कृत्वा. 1376 We want जगावमूम्. 1396 यदि is not quite significant. 140 Such cruel pregnancy longings are described in texts like the faturalesarit; see also the Intro. p. 22. 155c Better बद्धाऽऽनयति. 162 Are we to interchange the places of 162 and 163? 165d Rather नदद्भिः. 202 विहायासौ? 216 Note the construction प्रथमा षवं मोक्षं यास्यन्ति; we want either प्रथम..... यास्यति or प्रथमाः षटू च etc. 2216 घातिष्यति stands for घातयिष्यति. 225d निहिताविमौ? 238d. Rather याता for जाता. 239d Are we to read निर्ययौ वन्दनाद्विना? 240a दारक? 258 We get a good description of विन्ध्यवासिनीदेवी in the गउडवहो 285-338. 267b Rather यो वितिष्ठते. 268 Rather तथान्यौ यमलार्जुनौ and शकटच ; note the use of the feminine form चतस्रः. 107) 15a Rather उपदेशमिमं. 108) 3 Note the Instr. Abso. here. 90 Note विहाय for पिधाय. 10 Compare with No.91 above. 18a Rather दुर्भगाऽरूपा. 21d संप्रापन्नर्मदा? 956 Preferably भवान् दृष्टः क्वचित्पुनः. 45d प्रददर्श is used with the causal sense; see No. 60 below. 500 द्वारमती = द्वारवती. 64a Here कुण्डिकायपुर, but below कुण्डिनाख्य (119). 73. समागच्छत? 76a Better गण्डस्थलस्खल. 79d धेनुक possibly used in the sense of असिधेनुक. 91a We want प्रवर्तते. 112b To qualify द्वारि(र)कां we want "सर्वाशां and °विराजिताम्. 116c Rather रुक्मिण्या प्रीति. 121a सत्या = सत्यभामा, see 39 above. 133c प्रययौ? 125a तैर्थकरं?; note the agreement रुक्मिणी जातो दिवि सुरो. 109) Compare with this the notes of Charpentier, especially the allied references given by him, on the उत्तराध्ययन, chap. 13, p. 327 ff.; see also the Intro., p. 25 above. 3c Rather कुलजातिं स्वकां. 27a द्वादशम irregular for द्वादश. 34d ममार, Primitive for the Causal. 110) 26 Or नित्यमण्डिता? 210 यूथ with reference to men is rather unusual. 23d. Rather तत्संगमादरम् ? 111) 8& Are we Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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