4. Social Thought: Acceptance of four varnas -- meaning of gunakarma-vibhāga - Enforcement of varṇa-dharma, king's responsi bility Principle of aśrama-dharma -- Ideal of Raghu kings Importance of Grhathakrama significance of 'son' of senses and restraint.
5. Marriage relations: Secondary position of woman-- Bhavabhuti's sympathetic attitude Framework accepted by Kalidasa.
6. Thoughts on Education petition among equals knowledge Ideal teacher
Education, a state responsibility -- Commerchants of knowledge Test of Expectations from a pupil.
Thoughts on Art: Principle of rasa and dhwani - Word and sense inseparable Concept of natya Approval of experts -- Literature as communication.
1. Śṛngāra or love, the sthāyī bhava of Kalidasa's writing --- Some objections Dislike; Objection to excess-hypocritical or sincere -- Principle of art Criterion of Anandavardhana Examples.
Collective Picture: Attitude of acceptance not defeatism, search for ideal -- Full enjoyment of life, necessary for creative art.
The 'transformation-sublimation' view what it means -- Review of Kalidasa's literature and examination of the view Object and fruit of Uma's penance Love of Dusyanta and Sakuntalameaning of 'tapovana-virodhi-vikära"-- meaning of 'curse-Starcrossed lovers'.
Jain Education International
p.92 to p. 130
Heroes of Kalidasa: General attitude of respect and sympathy about heroines -- Heroes suspect -- polygamous; flippant like a bee; language of physical attraction and passion -- Poet's intertion Ideal of society and literary art; polygamy, an established social fact; Language epithets and vocatives in contemporary context Woman as the treasure and embodiment of beauty.
Portrait of Hero: Artistic caution: Criticism of hero by dramatic characters queen, Vidusaka - Test of the sincerity of love -- love not against the code of religion and social practice Aim of courting marriage, position as mistress of the house Heroine's restraint a curb on liberty -- Insistence on mutual response of love Philosophy of love woman's consent, equality Heroes
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