अनेकान्त 58/3-4
12. गोम्मटसंग्गह सुत्तं गोम्मट सिहरूवरि गोम्मट जिणो य।
गोम्मटराय विणिम्मिय दक्खिणकुक्कुडजिणो जयऊ गो.कर्म. 968 13. "The most illustrious person of this period is Chamundraya, the
minister of Ganga Marsingha II and Rachmall IV. He combined in himself the best of the qualities of heroism, learning and devotion, the last one expressed through his determination to carve out the greatest standing monolithic statue from natural rock, blending nature with the universe. Six inscriptions record Chamundraya's connection with Shravana Belagola. He is renowned for the erection of the clossus Commata or Bahubali; on Vindhyagiri in Shravana Belagola." L.K. Shriniwasan, Homogo to Shravanabelagola, A Marg
Publication 1981, Page 46-47 14. जीवकाण्ड म.प्र.टी. 503
यः स्मर्यते सर्वमुनीन्द्रवृन्दै, र्यः स्तुयते सर्वनराडमरेन्द्रैः । यो गीयते वेदपुराणशास्त्रैः, स देवदेवो हृदये ममास्ताम् ।।
- परमात्म-गीतिका, 12 जो सभी मुनिराजों के समूह द्वारा स्मरण किया जाता है, जो सभी नरेन्द्रों और देवेन्द्रों से स्तुत किया जाता है, जो वेद-पुराण-शास्त्रों के द्वारा गाया जाता हैवह देवाधिदेव (अर्हन्त) मेरे हृदय में विराजमान रहे।