Interfaith Services
All stand to say together the third Affirmation led by The Dean with the words:
Let us say together the third Affirmation :
We affirm our common faith in the need to establish justice for every individual, and through common effort to secure peace and reconciliation between nations.
All sit for a reading from the Sutta-Nipata words from The Discourse on Loving-Kindness.
May all beings be happy and secure, may their hearts be wholesome!
Whatever living beings there be - those mentally feeble or strong, physically long, stout or medium, short, small or large, those seen or unseen; dwelling far or near - may all beings, without exception, be happy-minded!
Let none deceive another nor despise any person whatsoever in any place; in anger or ill-will let one not wish any harm to another.
Just as a mother would protect her only child at the risk of her own life, even so, let one cultivate a boundless heart towards all beings.
Let thoughts of infinite love pervade the whole world - above, below and around - without any obstruction, without any hatred, without any enmity.
Whether standing, walking, sitting or lying down, as long as one is awake, this mindfulness should be developed; this, the wise say, is the highest conduct here.
All stand to say together the fourth Affirmation led by The Dean with the words:
Let us say together the fourth Affirmation:
We affirm our common faith in the need to assert the supremacy of love in all human relationships.
All sit
The Visual Ministry Choir sings:
People, listen there is something that you need to know; too long we've been fighting, racial wars that started long ago. Dear Lord, for us to grow we must let go of what's been keeping us apart Now's the time to put the past behind. together all mankind can make a brand new start Refrain: Love has no colour; you're my brother.
Love shows no evil, to no people