Interfaith Services
Hinduism - 'We have brought a stylised picture of a Red Lotus Flower. This is a frequent and important symbol in Indian art and worship. The lotus is symbolic because it is something beautiful from something dirty. This shows that humans are masters of circumstances - you are what you make yourself. This is what the lotus explains, humans can come from "murky" circumstances, but still can achieve great things. You are what you make yourself'(5)
The picture is placed on the table in the middle of the room
The reading we have brought is used in devotion, which highlights the high regard we have for nature, it also features lotus and other flower symbolism.
You are the forest
you are all the great trees in the forest
you are bird and beast playing in and out of all the trees
O lord white as jasmine filling and filled by all
why don't you show me your face?
Would a circling surface vulture know such depths of sky as the moon would know?
Would a weed in the riverbank know such depths of water as the lotus would know?
Would a fly darting nearby know the smell of flowers as the bees would know?
O lord white as jasmine only you would know the way of your devotees: how would these,
these mosquitoes on the buffalo's hide ? (From Mahedeviyakka, Speaking of Siva] (7)
This reading shows the enormous impact that the natural world has had on Hinduism. The passage has great ecological significance, if Siva is in the trees and the animals how dare we destroy them ?
This is our offering