Essence of World Religions
devotion (Bhakti Sädhanä) with which man can communicate with and receive the grace of Lord Vishnu who manifests through the temple deity or idol. All other paths, the path of selfless service (Karma Yoga), path of knowledge (Jnän Yoga), and path of yoga and meditation (Räja Yoga) lead to devotion (Bhakti Yoga). By chanting the holy names of Lord Vishnu's incarnations (Lord Räma or Lord Krishna) and total self surrender to Him, liberation is attained.
Most Liberal Hindus believe that Mukti or Liberation is achieved through Jnän yoga alone which is defined as intellectual and meditative. Devotees may also choose from three other paths to acquire good karma, cultivate devotion, and purify the mind. This non-sectarian sect follows the Advaita Vedänta philosophy of Ädi Shankara. Their worship includes a wide range of deities.
One Supreme Being who is all pervasive and who is both imminent and transcendent, both ever-present and beyond time and space - simultaneously a Creator (Lord Brahmä), a Sustainer (Lord Vishnu), and a Destroyer (Lord Shiva).
The supreme reality expands and becomes universe and hence God and universe are same. Every element of the universe is a part of supreme reality. There is no difference between man and man, man and woman, man and animals, man and material things. Hence when we cheat, hurt, or lie to some one we cheat, hurt, or lie to ourselves.
The universe undergoes endless cycles of creation, preservation, and dissolution.
The various deities represent many aspects, powers, and functions of the one divine Ultimate Reality or Supreme Being.
All souls are evolving towards a union with God and will ultimately attain spiritual knowledge and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. Not a single soul will be eternally deprived of this destiny.
Karma is the law of cause and effect by which each individual creates his own destiny by his thoughts, words, and deeds.
The soul reincarnates, evolving through many births until all karma has been resolved.
Divine beings exist in unseen inner worlds and temple worship rituals and sacraments, as well as personal devotions, creating a