Essence of World Religions
Founded About 500 years ago in South Asian Region (India) Punjab. Founder Siri Guru Nanak (1469 – 1539 CE) Major Scriptures The main scripture is "Ädi Granth” (Guru Granth Sahib). It is regarded as the word of God and is revered as the living Guru of the faith. Sects The main sect is Khälsä. The other sects are the Ram Raiyäs, the Mandhäris, and Nirankaris. The khälsä sect has no living Guru but the Mandhäris and Nirankaris sects have living Gurus.
Adherents The population of the Sikh community is about 25 million and the majority live in India. Small communities of Sikhs also exist in the United Kingdom, Canada, the United States, Malaysia, and East Africa.
Goals The goal of Sikhism lies in Moksha or salvation which is a union with God and release into God's love, described as that of a lover with the beloved and resulting in self transcendence, egolessness, and enduring bliss. It is the fulfillment of individuality in which man, freed of all limitations, becomes coextensive and cooperant