Essence of World Religions
Founded Zoroastrianism began 2,600 years ago in Persia. Founder Spenta Zarathustra (628 - 551 BC) known as Prophet Zoroaster. Major Scriptures The sacred literature of Zoroastrianism is the Zend Avesta (Persian), which was compiled about 800 years later during the Sassanian period (AD 224 640) from much earlier materials. Only a portion of the Zend Avesta remains, but the language of its earliest sections is extremely ancient, closely related to the Hindu Vedäs.
Sects There are two main sects. They have split over a question of the religious calendar.
Adherents About 125,000 living mostly near Mumbai, India where they are called Pärsis.
Goals The goal of Zoroastrianism is to be rewarded with a place in heaven where the soul will be with God (known as Ähurä Mäzda), while sharing His blessed existence forever.