Essence of World Religions
Worship Worship is congregational, simple in its rituals, centering around the church, synagogue, or mosque, mostly on a Sabbath day. Sainthood Path to saintliness is through self sacrifice, submission to God and concern for others. Value is placed on good work, social concerns, and scriptural study, with little emphasis on yoga and meditation.
The Guru's Cat Each time the guru set for worship with his students the Ashram cat come in to distract them, so he ordered them to tie it when the Ashram was at prayer. After guru died the cat continued to be tied at the worship time. And when the cat died, another cat was brought into the Ashram to make sure that guru's order was faithfully observed at worship time. Centuries passed and learned treatises were written by the guru's scholarly disciples on the liturgical significance of tying up a cat while worship is performed.