Book Title: Jain Pilgrimage
Author(s): Hastinapur Jain Shwetambar Tirth Committee
Publisher: Hastinapur Jain Shwetambar Tirth Committee
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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrI yazovijAjI Ibollebic % dAdAsAheba, bhAvanagara, phona : 0278-2425322 300484s Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ HASTINAPUR A Jain Pilgrimage ENGLISH-HINDI PUBLISHED BY SRI CHAND PAHLAWAT KIKA BHAI PARIKH Additional Secretaries, SHRI HASTINAPUR JAIN SWETAMBER TIRTH COMMITTEE DELHI 1951 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Published by Sri Chand Pahlawat Kika Bhai Parikh Additional Secretaries, Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Committee Delhi. Printed by Shanti Lal Jain Swatantra Nava Bharat Press Kadamkuan Patna-3 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ CONTENTS 1. Publishers' Note 2. Foreword by Amolakh Chand M. P. 3. Message from Y. R. Sri Georges. 4. Tirth Hastinapur by G. A. Shah. 5. Excavation of Hastinapur: A Synoptic review by B. K. Thapar. 6. hastinApura kalpaH (vividha tIrtha kalpa) bhAvArtha 7. zubha-saMdeza-- AcArya zrI mad vijaya vallabha sUrI jI mahArAja 8. zrI hastinApura tIrtha muni darzanavijaya (tripuTI) 9. nivedana 10. Avazyaka sUcanA 11. zrI hastinApura jaina zvetAmbara tIrtha kameTI ke padAdhikArI aura mainejiMga kameTI ke membara Illustrations 1. PARNA--Lord Rishabh Dev breaking fast Title cover. 2. Mound Ulta-Khera, South west view 3. Jain Image found in excavating mound Ulta-Khera. 4. Hastinapur Kalpa from Vividh Tirth Kalpa V. S. 1466. 5. Jain Swetamber Temple and Dharamshala 6. Panchtirthi : Metal image of Lord Shanti Nath V. S. 1473. 7. Released plot of land, mound Ulta-Khera, South West view. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ PUBLISHER'S NOTE Bearing in mind, that the Government of Uttar Pradesh and the Government of India are devoting their attention in glorifying the ancient history of Hastinapur (Meerut) by establishing a new town New Hastinapur and excavating Mound Ulta-Khera, Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Committee desired to publish the past pre-historic history of Hastinapur , according to Jain literature. The book reads with the messages from:Acharya Shrimad Vije Vallabh Suriji Maharaj in Hindi section and Yogi Raj Sri Georges in English section and contributions from Muni Shri Darshan Vijayji (Triputi) in Hindi, Foreword, Tirth Hastinapur and Excavations of Hastinapur :-A Synoptic Revieze' by Shri Amolakh Chand * M. P. Ex-Director of Information, Government of Uttar Pradesh, Shri Ganpat Lal A. Shah Asstt. Solicitor to Government of India, New , Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Delhi and Shri B. K. Thapar Asstt. Suprintendent, Excavation Branch, Dept. of Archaeology, New Delhi, respectively in English section depicting the various periods in the ancient history of Hastinapur with appeals from the Tirth Committee in Hindi section. The historians in general and research scholars in particular will appreciate the endavour and we expect them to co-operate with us in throwing more light on the subject to be appended in our next edition. We are indebted to Shri A. Ghosh, Deputy Director General (Exploration), Dept. of Archaeology, New Delhi, who was kind enough to supply us the photo of Jain Image recovered in excavating Mound Ulta-Khera at Hastinapur in 1950-51, printed in the book, establishes the facts that Jain Temples existed long before at Hastinapur. We cannot forget the kind patronage bestowed by Acharya Shrimad Vije Vallabh Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #8 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Suriji Maharaj, Muni Shri Darshan Vijeji and Muni Shri Gyan Vijeji (Triputy) in our attempt and thank Shri Bijoy Singh Nahar M.L.C., Secretary West Bengal Provincial Congress Committee of Calcutta, Yati Shri Rampalji Delhi, Shri Kirti Prasad Ji Jain, President of our Committee, Pinauli (Meerut) ard Shri Mansukh Bhai Bhukhan Das of Surat in Delhi our co-worker for their valuable suggestions in *carrying out the task ; Shri Kanti Lal Parikh of Koba (Ahmedabad), Chandu Lal Uttam *Chand, Rampura (Ahmedabad), Dr. Kamala Devi, Shri Khairati Shah of Jhelum, Delhi and Shri Nand Lal Kastur Chand Dalal of Viramgaum of their donations in publishing the book and Shri Sunder Lal Shanti Lal of Banaras in printing the bock free of cost at short notice in their press at Patna. The proceeds of this book will be a contribution to the Tirth Committee fund. Srichand Pahlawat, Kika Bhai Parikh: Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ FOREWORD Hastinapur--a new developing town to rehabilitate the displaced persons is 24 miles from Meerut, an important city of northern Uttar Pradesh. According to Jain traditions Hasti the 21st son of Lord Rishabh Deva the first Tirthankara, founded this city of Hastinapur in pre-historic age. Here Lord Rishabh Deva broke his 400 days' fast with sugarcane juice on Akshay Tritiya day. Since then various Tirthankaras visited the city and preached the doctrines of Jainism. Three Tirthankaras Lords Shantinath, Kunthunath and Arnath were born and attained Supreme Knowledge in this ancient land at intervals. All this added to the sanctity and glory of the city. The importance of the city is acknowledged by Hindu Scriptures also and we find Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 5 that this city was selected as capital of Pandavas during Mahabharat period. Thereafter the river Ganga changed its course and we find the city falling in ruin. The place has ancient monuments and the Archaeological Department of Government of India has excavated the old Tila Ulta-Khera. An old Jain image, coins and potteries have been discovered and it is hoped that the Archaeological Department will continue their operations to throw more light on the antiquity of the sites. Jains from the very beginning have attached a great importance to this holy place and most of the renowned Acharyas have visited the place at one time or another. The ancient CharanPaduka of Lord Rishabh Deva is still to be found here. The old temples, renovated from time to time, still exist. The U. P. Government has constructed a modern town in the vicinity of the temple, the foundation of which was laid by our national Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #11 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ leader Sri Jawahar Lal Nehru, Prime Minister of India, in 1948. During the last 3 years both the U. P. Government and the Government of India are attempting to restore the past glory of this ancient city and it is in fitness cf things that the Jains should also take advantage of this cccasion and improve their holy shrines and not lag behind. It is a matter of great satisfaction that Seth Anandji Kalyanji of Ahmedabad are taking interest in the importance of this neglected Tirth ; but it is the duty of every Jain to visit and help the improvement in his own humble way, to attain happiness in this transitory world. Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Managing Committee are doing their best to consolidate the properties of the Swetamber Temple-recently acquired by the U. P. Government--the release of which is yet pending. It is hoped that the U. P. Government will also Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #12 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ soon release the land for the development of the shrine. May I request all interested persons to help liberally this humble cause and thus earn the gratitude of all right thinking persons. New Delhi Aug. 22, 1951 Amolakh Chand, M.P. Ex-Director of Information, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #13 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ MESSAGE I earnestly pray and fervently hope that the scientific religion of Jainism with its sublime philosophy of life, that has been a source of Divine Inspiration to a glaxi of Royal Sages and others from Rishabha Deva the first world teacher to Mahaviram and which in our own time has given to India that magnanimous soul of Mahatma Gandhi have all derived their immortal success from the incomparable teachings of the Jain Scriptures, be given unconditional recognition among the great Religions of the World. Y. R. SRI GEORGES. Delwara, Mt. Abu. 21. 9. 50 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #14 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ TIRTHA HASTINAPUR BY Ganpat Lal A. Shah. Hastinapur is one of the holiest and most sacred of the Jain pilgrimages. At the dawn of Aryan civilization in India the first Tirthankara of Jainism Lord Rishabha Dev came to this place with a message of Ahimsa, love and truth and gave up his one-year old fast by taking sugarcane juice from the King of Hastinapur, Shri Sreyamsa Kumar on the Akshay Tritiya day (third day of the month of Vaishak). To commemorate this occasion Sreyamsa Kumar erected a stupa and a shrine with foot-prints of Lord Rishabha Dev. Thousands of Jains visit this place on Akshay Tritiya day for parana of the annual fast and receive the message and inspiration from the shrine of their First Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #15 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 10 Tirthankar for attainment of Nirwana or salvation from the shackles of earthly attachment. Hastinapur is also a place of historical importance where many empires and kingdoms have flourished and perished. It was the famous capital of the Pandavas of the Mahabharat. After the great battle of the Mahabharat it fell into ruins and was deserted, but the immortal message of the World's Greatest Teacher of Ahimsa and the Great Tirthankaras of Jain religion is still resounding in the nook and corner of this great town. Modern Hastinapur Modern Hastinapur is a small town on the deserted banks of the river Ganga at a distance of 24 miles from Meerut. There is a motorable tar road and buses are available every few hours. In the shades of the Palm trees against the background of Ulta-Khera mounds, surrounded by picturesque fields of sugarcane, it is a cosy Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #16 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 11 place for meditation and retrospection to the minds burdened with the worries of life and din and hustle of this machine age. In the calm and quiet atmosphere one would breathe the pious and elevating air of the sacred teachings of the Great Jain Tirthankaras and get a glimpse of the Indian history from the very dawn of Aryan civilization. There is a splendid Swetamber temple of the Lord Shantinath, the 16th Tirthankar. It is surrounded by a spacious dharamshala which provides comfortable abode for the pilgrims with all the amenities. Next to that is also another dharamshala. To the north at a distance of about one mile there is a Stupa and foot-prints of Lord Rishaba Dev where he gave up his fast at the hands of Sreyamsa Kumar. This is a beautiful spot surrounded by Palm trees and the journey is pleasant and inspiring. There is also a very big Digambar Jain temple Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #17 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 12 with spacious dharamshalas which can acccmmodate at a time 2,000 persons. It is also a centre of historical and archaeological importance. Recently Ulta-Khera mound (Pl-2) was,excavated by the Excavation Branch of the Archaeological Department of the Government of India and traces of articles of great antiquity right from the dawn of humanity have come to light. Among them is also an ancient Jain image. There are remains of Mahabharat period like Pandeshwar Mahadev, Draupadi Kund and Brahma Kund Raghunathji Mahal is a place of historic importance where Raghunath Nayak and his party took shelter in the first War of Independence of 1857. This holy place is therefore not only associated with the sacred memories of the Jain Tirthankaras, but also gives a glimpse of early Indian civilization, Puranas and modern history. It attracts a number of visitors and is of special importance to. Jains for pilgrimage on Akshay Tritiya and Kartik Purnima days. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #18 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Plate I-Metal image of Shri Shanti Nath, Jain Swetamber Temple, Hastinapur. V. S. zrI zAntinAtha bhagavAna kI paJcatIrthI saM. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #19 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #20 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 13 After Independence a new township is springing into existence for the settlement of displaced persons and it is in fitness of things that victims of violence and communalism should sind solace in a place bathed in the teachings of non-violence, equality and fraternity. The management of the Swetamber Jain Temple and Dharamshalas is with Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Committee at Ambala City and Delhi. They are making every effort to revive its old glory. Hastinapur and Jain History Hastinapur is a very ancient town which is mentioned in Jain, Vedic, Buddhist and Pali literature. In Jain traditions India is known as Bharat after the name of Bharat the eldest son of Lord Rishabha Dev and this town was founded as capital by his son Hasti Kumar. Lord Rishabha Dev took Diksha along with 4,000 princes at Ayodhya and started his Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #21 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 14 mission of preaching Ahimsa, truth and love to the world. He visited Hastinapur and gave up his year old fast by taking sugar-cane juice from the King of Hastinapur Shri Sreyamsa Kumar. On this spot is erected a shrine containing his foot-prints to commemorate this occasion. Three Tirthankaras Shri Shantinath, the 16th, Shri Kunthunath, the 17th, Shri Arnath, the 18th, had their 4 kalyanakas, i.e., conception, (Chyavan) birth, (Janma), Diksha (Renunciation) and Keralagyan (sublime knowledge) at Hastinapur. Shri Mallinath, the 19th Tirthankar also visited this place. According to Jain traditions this Tirthankar was a woman (Malli Kumari) who established the equal rights of women to attain the highest knowledge and become Tirthankar. She refused the hands of as many as six Kings, converted them all to Jainism and made them renunciate Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #22 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 15 the world. Shri Muni Suvrat-swami the 20th Tirthankar also visited this place and by his sermons converted the wealthy merchant Gang Dutt, who was possessed of 7 crores of gold coins and the famous merchant Kartik Sheth to renunciate the World. The last Great Tirthankar Lord Mahavir also honoured this place and showed the path of salvation and deliverance to Shivraj and Potill. According to Jain history, 12 emperors (chakravartiss) ruled this Bharat. Out of them six had their capital at Hastinapur. They are, (1) Sanat Kumar, (2) Shantinath, (3) Kunthunath, (4) Arnath, (5) Subhum, and (6) Maha-Padma. All of them were Jairs and three of them (2nd, 3rd and 4th) became Tirthankaras. It Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #23 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 16 is the place where the famous Parasuram exterminated the Kshatriyas 21 times. Hastinapur was the capital of the Pandavas and Kauravas of the Mahabharat. After the great battle of Mahabharat this great capital became deserted and fell into ruins. With the advent of British rule it became the hunting ground for Europeans and a haunting place for wild animals (excluding the Temple area,) but India cannot forget her historic capital and in particular Jains cannot forget the seat of its great teachers. In the 13th Century the great Jain Saint Jinaprabha Suri visited this place with a big party of Jains and renovated the Jain shrines. In his book Vividhatirth-Kalpa (V. S. 1466), mentioned that there were 4 beautiful temples of : (1) Shri Shantinath, (2) Shri Kunthunath, (3) Shri Arnath, and Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #24 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ (4) Devi Amba. All these were renovated and re-built on a grand scale. In the 16th Century the Great Jain Acharya Vijaya Sagar visited this place and repaired all these 4 temples. In early 19th century Jin Chandra Suri visited the sacred city. Out of these temples at present there is only one temple of Shri Shantinath, but this temple and the shrine with foot-prints of Lord Rishabha Dev are symbols of Jainism and all it stands for. The Temple was recently renovated by late Shri Pratapchand Parsan of Calcutta. An Appeal The members of the Jain Community all the world over are requested not to forget this most holy place of Jain Pilgrimage associated as it is with the memories of as many as 7 Tirthankaras. . They should visit this place to have the glimpse Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #25 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ of the glory of Jain history and philosophy and carry the message home to the nook and corner of the country. They should generously contribute to its resuscitation and keep the lamp of Jain philosophy burning in eternity. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #26 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ EXCAVATION OF HASTINAPUR : A SYNOPTIC REVIEW BY B. K. Thapar In Indian history there is a vast gap between the Indus Valley Civilisation of the 3rd-2nd millennium B.C. and the cultures of early historical period of the 4th-3rd Century B.C. It has been and in fact is still a standing challenge 'to Indian research. There is a great paucity of material evidence on this period which is archaeological christened as the Dark Age. The story of Aryan migration and their consequent settlement in India falls within this very period. To produce coherent and significant results the Excavation Branch of the Indian Department of Archaeology has been conducting excavations at some selected sites. During the winter months of 1950-51 Hastinapura, traditionally the Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #27 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ex ruined capital of the Mahabharata age, was excavated. These excavations throw abundant light on the 'Dark Age' of Indian Archaeology. The ruins of Hastinapura, rising on an average 55 ft. from the surrounding plains are located on the deserted banks of the river Ganga, some 24-25 miles to the north-east of Meerut in the district of the same name. They measure about a mile in length and nearly one fourth in width. Vertical cuttings across the Ulta-Khera mound revealed four distinct occupational periods in the life of the town. The earliest of these which is related to the first quarter of the ist millennium B.C. was associated with the typical ceramic industry grey in colour with paintings in black. This period was brought to a close by heavy floods evidenced by clear lines of erosion on the secticn. Similar pottery is found at many sites in Bikaner, East Punjab and west U. P. Notable amongst these are Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #28 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 21 Dotheri, Rer, Chhat, Dugri, Panipat, Amin, Bagpat, Ahichhatra, Kampil, Barnavat. It is significant to note that greater majority of these sites are alluded to the Mahabharat story. This all suggests that there was approximate contemporaneity between all these sites at that period. In period II which is dated to circa 5th-3rd century, punch-marked coins and sherds of shiny black polished ware-N.B.P. were obtained, At the end of this period there seems to have been a great conflagration which is marked by a thick layer burnt earth run throughout the mound. Among other things, the finds from period III comprise coins of Mitra dynasty and Kushan kings and terracottas of Sunga and Kushan period. Structures of large sized brick as well as terracottas were noticed in both periods II and III. The site remained deserted for about one thousand years and was reoccupied in the Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #29 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 22 Ilth century A.D.: this last occupation continued upto the 15th-16th century A.D. A coin of the time of Balban ( A.D. 1267-1288 ) and the characteristic Muslim glazed ware are the important finds of this period. A seated. Jain image (pl) recovered from the late levels of this period also deserves mention indicating thereby some Jain settlement at this 'time. To keep afresh the antiquity of the place, a new township is growing a little distance further west of these remains--entombing the history of nearly three thousand years. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #30 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Plate 2-Mound Ulta-Khera Hastinapur. South west view. Excavated by the Department of Archacology, New Dehli 1950-5! TIlA ulTAkher3A hastinApura ke dakSiNa-pazcima tarpha kA dRzya jisakI khudAI sana 1950-51 purAtatva vibhAga nyU-dehalI ne kii| Page #31 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #32 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #33 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ INCHES CMS. Plate 3-A Seated Jain image recovered in mound Ulta-Khera Excavation. Shree Sudhagaswamyanbandamara Surat Page #34 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ hastinApura kalpaH vividha tIrtha kalpa vi0 saM0 1466 jinapratrasUri vicarita bhAvArtha :-- gayaura sthita zrI zAnti, kunthu, ara aura mallI svAmI ko namaskAra (vaMdanA karatA hU~) |htthinnaaur (hastinApura) tIrtha kA saMkSepa meM kalpa kahatA hU~ // 1 // zrI Adi (RSabhadeva) tIrthakara ke 2 putra the| pahile kA nAma bharahesara (bharata) aura dUsare kA bAhubali thaa| bharata ke 98 sahodara bhAI the, bhagavAna ne bharata ko apanA rAjya diyA vinItA, bAhubalI ko takSilA isI prakAra se anya putroM ko una-una ke nAma ke deza diye| aMgakumAra ke nAma se aMgadeza huaa| kuru ke nAma se kurudeza prasiddha huaa| isI prakAra vaMgakaliMga-sUraseNa-avaMti bA~Te gaye--kurunarendra kA putra hasti nAma - kA rAjA huA, usane hasthiNAura (hastinApura). basAyA / jahA~ para mahAnadi bhAgIrathI pavitra jala sahita bahatI hai| vahA~ para zrI zAnti-kuMthu-ara solahaveM, satrahaveM, aThArahaveM tIrthaMkaroM ne janma liyA, jo krama se pA~caveM, chaThe aura sAtaveM cakravartI bhI the aura bharatakSetra kI cha khADoM ko Rddhi bhoganevAle hae aura jinakI dIkSA kevala jJAna bhI vahIM para huaa| usa samaya meM yugaliye utpanna hote the| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 24 vahA~ para varSIya tapa rakkhe hue usabhasAmI (RSabha deva) ko bAhubali ke putra saMjjasa kumAra (zreyAnsa kumAra) ne jAtismaraNa jJAna aura dAna dene kI vidhi kA jJAna hone para apane ghara meM Aye hue ikSurasa se akSaya tRtIyA (baisAkha sudi 3) ke dina prathama pAranA kraayaa| vahA~ para 5 divya prakaTa hue| malli svAmI (mallI nAya jI) kA samavasaraNa bhI isI nagara meM huA hai| yahA~ viNhukumAra (viSNu kumAra)nAma ke maharSi ne vaikrIya zakti se lAkha yojanA parimANa kA zarIra banA kara upara rakhakara namUcI ko zikSA dI / isa nagara meM saNaMkumAra (sanata kumAra)-mahApauma (mahApadma)-subhUma parazurAma utpanna hue| yahA~ para uttama puruSa carama zarIra vAle 5 pAMDava, duryodhana Adi aneka mahAbalI paidA hue| ___sAta kroDa sunayoM kA (mAlika) gaMgadatta seTha aura saudharma devaloka meM jAnevAlA, dAna karatA huA vairAgya dhAraNa kiye hue 1,000 puruSoM ke sAtha abhigrahoM ko dhAraNa karane vAle kArtika seTha ne zrI munisutratA svAmI se dIkSA grahaNa kI isa mahAgara meM zrI zAnti, kuMthu, ara aura mallI nAtha jI ke manohara caitya (mandira) aura aMbikA devI kA devala thaa| aise hI aneka jIva jinazAsana ko prabhAvanA karanevAle Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #36 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ vidhipUrvaka mahotsavoM ko karate hue, kitane hI bhavoM kA duHkha nAza kara karma klezoM ko naSTa karake atizayakAraka mahAtIrtha hastinApura meM siddhi ko prApta hue| zrI gajAMsa hastinApura) tIrya kA choTe-se-choTA yaha kalpa hai| kalpavRkSa ke samAna isa kalpa kA saMkalpa pUrA huA // 2 // // itizrI hastinApura tIrtha kalpa smaaptH|| paM0 24, aM0 11 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #37 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 26 ajJAna timira taraNi, kalikAla kalpataru, paMjAba kesarI AcAryavarya zrImad vijayavallabha sUrIzvara jI maharAja kA zrI hastinApura tIrthoddhAra ke liye| zubha saMdeza zrI hastinApura tIrtha prAcInatara hai, isameM koI saMdeha nahIM hai| paramavaMdanIya, pUjanIya, ArAdhanIya, tAraNahAra trailokyanAtha zrI tIrtha kara devoM ke aura anyAnya RSi, mahaSiyoM ke punIta caraNa kamaloM se yaha bhUmi punIta (pavitra) huI hai, isako dhUli bhI zirasAvaMdya hai| isa parama punIta tIrtha kA jIrNoddhAra karAnA parama Avazyaka hai| ataH samasta zrI jaina saMgha ko dharma lAbha ke sAtha hamArA yahI zubha-saMdeza hai ki isa tIrtha ke jIrNoddhAra ke kArya meM haraeka bhAgyavAn ko yathAzakti tana, mana, dhana se madada dekara apane kartavya kA pAlana karate hue puNyopArjana karake sadgati ke bhAgI baneM aura tIrtha kI jaho jalAlI kreN| ___ AcArya, upAdhyAya, pravartaka, panyAsa Adi sakala zramaNa zrIsaMgha se namra nivedana hai ki Apa apane sadupadeza dvArA sahAyatA karAyeMga--aisI AzA hI nahIM vizvAsa hai / sujJeSu ki bhunaa| ___ pU0 pA0 zrI A0 bha0 kI AjJA se lipaM0 samudra vijaya pAlItANA, zrI AtmAnaMda paMjAbI jaina dharmazAlA, vIra saM0 2477, vi0 saM0 2008 bhAdrapada kRSNa 5 maMgalavAra, tA0 21-8-51 / Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrI hastinApura tIrtha muni darzanavijaya tripuTI hama yahA~ sujJa pAThakoM ke liye zrI hastinApura tIrtha kA itihAsa saMkSipta rUpa meM dete haiN| isa tIrtha kA prAcIna itihAsa jaina, bauddha aura vaidika sAhitya meM vipula parimANa meM upalabdha hai| paraMtu hama yahA~ jaina sAhitya ke AdhAra hI para likhate haiN| ____ Adi yuga meM prathama dharmanAyaka zrI RSabha deva jI ke putra bharatarAja ke nAma se apane deza kA nAma bhAratavarSa pdd'aa| unhoMne apane 21veM putra kururAja ko yaha eka pradeza diyA thA kururAja ne apane nAma para isa kSetra kA nAma kurudeza rakkhA / kuru kA putra hastikumAra thaa| ataH usane apanI rAjadhAnI kA nAma hastinApura rakkhA / ___prAkRta aura saMskRta grathoM meM hastinApura kA hatthiNAura, hatthiNApura, gayaura, gajapura, gajanagara gajAhvaya, nAgAhvaya, nAgapura aura hastinApura Adi nAmoM meM ullekha hai| . zrI RSabhadeva jI ne vinItI (ayodhyA) ke udyAna meM cAra hajAra rAjakumAra aura rAjAoM ke sAtha dIkSA lI aura bhUtala meM prathama sAdhu vihAra prAraMbha kiyaa| inake samaya meM saba yugaloka (yugalaye) loga the| isI kAraNa vaha inako horA, mANika, motI, hAthI, ghor3e aura putra ko dAna svarUpa dete the| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #39 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ parantu sAdhU loga to aisI cIjeM grahaNa nahIM karate haiM : isaliye vaha aisI vastu nahIM lete the| zrI RSabhadevajI paidala vihAra karate karate 1 varSa bAda hastinApura pdhaare| yahA~ bAhubali ke putra zrI zreyA~sakumAra ke hAtha se ikSurasa se baisAkha zuklA tRtIyA ko 400 dina ke nirjala upavAsa ke bAda pAraNA kiyaa| tabase yaha dina akSaya tRtIyA (AkhA tIja) parva ke nAma se pracalita huaa| jaina samAja meM zrI RSabhadevajI kI isa tapazcaryA kA anukaraNa rUpa vArSikatara pracalita hai aura bahuta se sAdhU , sAdhvI, zrAvaka, zrAvikA vArSika tapa karate haiN| __ jaina dharma meM caubIsa tIrthaGkara hue haiM jinameM se solahaveM zrI zAntinAtha jI, sattaraveM bhI kuMthunAtha jI aura aThAraveM zrI aranAtha jI tInoM tIrthaMkaroM ke cyavana, janma, dIkSA aura kevala jJAna, 4-4 kalyANaka isI pavitra bhUmi meM hue haiN| tInoM tIrthaMkara pA~caveM, chaThe aura sAtaveM cakravartI bhI the| inake alAvA cauthe cakravartI sanatakumAra AThaveM subhUma aura naveM mahApadma bhI yahIM hue haiM arthAta bAraha cakravattioM meM se cha (6) cakravartI aura tIna tIrthaMkaroM ke hone kA saubhAgya isI puNya bhUmi ko prApta hai| 'bhArata ke itihAsa meM aisA apUrva saubhAgya zAyada hI kisI nagara ko milA ho| usa samaya isa nagarI kA pratApa madhyAhna sUrya ke samAna camakatA thaa| cha khaMDoM meM isa nagara ke rAjAoM kA prabhAva thA aura lakSmIdevI kA yaha koDAsthala thA aise hI pA~ca Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ cakravattiyoM ne bhautika lakSmI kA tyAga karake yahA~ caritragrahaNa kiyaa| naveM cakravartI mahApadma aura unake bar3e bhAI viSNu kumAra ko bhI janma dene kA zreya bhI isI nagarI ko prApta hai| mahApadma ke maMtrI namUcI ne jaina zramaNa saMgha para usa samaya bar3A upadrava kiyA thaa| viSNukamAra ne dIkSA grahaNa kara bar3I tapasyA kI thI aura labdhI dhArI hue, inhoMne namUcI kA upadrava mittaayaa| prasiddha bhagavaMzIya parazarAma kA janma bhI isI nagarI meM huA thaa| unnIsaveM tIrthaMkara zrI mallInAtha jI ke samavazaraNa aura dezanA kA gaurava bhI isI nagara ko hai| isI nagarI meM sAta kiroDa sunayoM ke mAlika gaMgAdatta huye haiN| aura kArtika seTha ko janma bhUmi hone kA lAbha bhI isI ko hai jinhoMne eka hajAra zreSThI putroM ke sAtha bIsaveM tIrthakara zrI munisuvrata svAmI ke pAsa dIkSA grahaNa kI aura AtmakalyANa kara kAla dharma pAkara saudharmendra banA / ___ suprasiddha pAMDava aura kauravoM kI janmabhUmi, krIDA aura lIlA kA bhI yahI sthAna hai| isa nagarI ke usa vakta do vibhAga the, eka kA nAma hastinApura pANDavAna aura dUsare kA hastinApara kauravAna thA jo ki Aja taka sarakArI kAgajoM meM isI nAma se cale Ate haiN| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #41 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ '30 kurukSetra mahAyuddha ke bAda isa nagarI kA patana zurU huaa| bAda meM indraprastha bsaa| gaMgA nadI isa apamAna ko na saha sakI aura usane apanI dhArAoM se ise samApta kara diyA, isase yaha nagarI jaMgala ke rUpa meM parivartita ho gii| caubIsaveM tIrthaMkara zrI mahAvIra svAmI ke padhArane kA gaurava bhI isI sthAna ko milA, jahA~ para poTTila nAma zeTha rahatA thA, inhoMne zrI mahAvIra svAmI se dIkSA lI aura 1 mAsa kI saMleSaNA karake mRtyu ko prApta huA aura sarvArthasiddhi nAma ke devaloka meM utpanna huaa| zivarAja ne bhI zrI mahAvIra svAmI se dIkSA grahaNa kI aura ugra tapasyA kI, zivarAjarSi kahalAye / ___ aura bhI aneka jIva hue jinhoMne dharma sAdhana kara yahA~ se mukti paaii| saMvat 1345 se 1358 ke bIca me daulatAbAda se bAhur3a ke putra bohittha saMghapati ke sAtha saMgha sahita zrI jinaprabhasUrijI mohamada zAha tugalaka se jaina tIrthoM kI yAtrA karane kA pharamAna lekara yahA~ padhAre-unhoMne apane graMtha vividha tIrtha kalpa meM yahA~ para ( hastinApura meM ) zrI zAntinAtha jI zrI kuMyanAthajI zrI aranAthajI aura mallInAthajI ke sundara jaina mandira aura aMbikA devI ke devala kA ullekha kiyA hai| zatrujaya tIrtha ke uddhAraka samarAzAha saMghapati ne pATana se yahA~ kI yAtrA kI thii| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #42 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #43 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrI jinaprabhasari racita 'vividha tIrtha kalpa' meM zrI hastinApura kalpa vi0 saM0 1466 / / Plate 4-Photo page Shri Hastinapur Kalpa, from Vividh-Tirth Kalpa by Shri Jim Prabha Suri V.S. 1466. KERS B ERICRUB TERMINALESUARAI ALEGRE ANONATsAN:SATENHEMOWNK` (ARTARAZAHANJarhah- ebyERhNANTs` HARSAN E KAPAN PARADISE LEBERDEERBEEKSELTM ERRELSE BLES UNDA 2 MESIRETOKSISSA HANR 17:Tiy K`NARENTs`ik(VANK` NEERET`NERK`IN Ch`AR : T A NORDI&UITABEBA 2.Esale RTALERRIEDEL LEBRELLA DELLE B E RRIAR E STE ORIENDURING UDPEGERI 32136HRDNADESKRIBAP EX NEGRIPNETANS | lawle:ANJAnvtanyUJAREGhERNETIN/INEtsat`y16T`VIN EW ARIWNS: Obec Repuklaakas.S MERBLAISURINTAL SABER22 BERN, BAZASID PELLELE 2DEHrga Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #44 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 31. mAMDavagar3ha ke mahAmaMtrI pethaDakumAra ne yahA~ kA jIrNoddhAra karAyA thA yaha samaya 14vI 15vIM zatAbdI kA hai| sammeta zikhara jI kI yAtrA ko jAte hue zrI vijaya sAgara jI yahA~ yAtrArtha padhAre, unhoMne vi0 saM0 1664-1668 apane graMtha sammeta zikhara tIrthamAlA meM hastinApura kA varNana karate hue likhA hai :--"pAMca namu thumathApanA, pAMca nama jina mUrti zrI saubhAgya vijaya jI ne apanI tIrthamAlA saM0 1750 meM likhA : "thutra tIna vihAM paramo sugajo ANI prIta" zrI jina candra sUri jI bhI yahA~ yAtrA ke lie padhAre the inakA samaya saMvata 1809 se 1858 hai| / parantu yaha prAcIna mandira aura stUpa aba vidyamAna nahIM haiM-kintu zvetAmbara dharmazAlA ke pAsa eka bar3A TolA hai usake pIche AmaliyoM ko jhAr3iyoM meM eka khAlI mandira par3A hai aura bhI khaMDahara hai jo mandira jaise dIkhate haiN| satarahavIM aura aThArahavIM zatAbdI meM yAtrArtha Aye vidvAna yAtrI jaina sAdhuoM ne vahA~ pA~ca aura tIna stUpa hone kA ullekha kiyA hai| jaMgala rUpa bane hue sthAna meM isa samaya maMgala rUpa do vizAla jaina mandira haiN| eka zvetAmbara jaina mandira aura dUsarA digambara mandira hai| donoM mandiroM ke pAsa donoM ko alaga-alaga dharmazAlAye haiN| zvetAmbara mandira se eka mAila uttara kI ora Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 32 zrI RSabha deva jI kI ToMka banI huI hai jo ki zrI RSabha deva jI bhagavAna ke pArane kA sthAna hai yahA~ para prAcIna stUpa haiN| aura usake pAsa hI zrI zAntinAtha jI, zrI kuMthu nAtha jI, zrI ara nAtha jI aura zrI mallI nAtha jI kI caraNapAdukAeM sthApita hai| Adhunika jIrNoddhAra saM0 1929 meM svargavAsI zrI pratApa canda jI pArasAna kalakattA nivAsI ne karAyA hai aura pratiSThA bhI jina kalyANa sUri jI ko ko huI hai / jinakI vyavasthA zrI hastinApura jaina zvetAmbara tIrtha kameTI ambAlA zahara--dehalI karatI hai| yahA~ se 2-2 // mIla kI dUrI para zrI mallI nAtha jI kI nizayA~ hai| zvetAmbara mandira aura zrI RSabha deva jI kI ToMka ke bIca meM zrI zAntinAtha jI, zrI kunthunAthajI aura aranAtha jI kI nizayA~, stUpa Adi sthAna Ate haiN| jo digambaroM ke prabandha meM hai| zrI jaina zvetAmbara mandira meM jagataguru zrI hIra vijaya sUrizvara ke ziSya mahopAdhyAya zrI zAnti candra pratiSThata saM 1645 ke jyeSTha zuklA 8 ke dina akamIpura (amadAbAda kA parA thA) meM pratiSThita zrI zAntinAtha jI mUlanAyaka vidyamAna haiN| inake bAIM ora kI mUtti saM 1682 meM zrI vijaya sena sUri jo pratiSThita haiM / 14-15vIM zatAbdI ko pratiSThita dhAtu kI mUrtiyA~ haiM aura saMvata 1983 ko pUjyapAd AcAryavara zrI vijaya vallabha sUri jI pratiSThita mUrtiyA~ bhI virAjamAna haiN| prAcIna 4 stUpa dharmazAlA ke eka sthAna meM surakSita haiN| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #46 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Plate 5-Present Jain Swetamber Temple Hastinapur surrounded by Dharamshala. zrI jaina zvetAmbara mandira-dharmazAlA hastinApura / Page #47 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #48 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ zrI jaina digambara mandira karIba 200 varSa pUrva zrI harasukha rAya jo dihalI nivAsI ne banavAyA thaa| yahA~ TolA ulTA kheDA, pANDezvara mahAdeva, draupadI kuNDa, bArAhakuNDa aura raghunAtha jI kA mahala dekhane yogya sthAna hai| ataH hastinApura prAcIna arvAcIna itihAsa kI dRSTi se prakhyAta tIrtha hai--meraTha zahara (IsTarna paMjAba relave) se 25 mola uttara dizA meM moTara basa pavako sar3aka se mandira ke nikaTa pahuMcatI hai tIrthayAtrA kara puNyopArjana ko jaya, zrI AdIzvara bhagavAna ke vArSika tapa ke pArane kI mUla bhUmi hastinApura meM vArSika tapa kA akSaya tRtIyA ke dina' pAranA karake janma saphala kIjie / yahI prArthanA hai| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #49 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ nivedana zrI zAntinAthAya namaH uttarIya bhArata kA prAcIna aitihAsika jaina tIrtha hastinApura zrI RSabhadeva ( AdIzvara ) bhagavAna ke vArSikatapa ke pArane kI mUla puNyabhUmi aura 16 veM 17veM aura 18veM tIrthakaroM ke bAraha kalyANakoM kA pavitrasthAna zrI hastinApura tIrtha kI yAtrA kara janma saphala kIjiye / vArSika tapa kA pAranA akSayatRtIyA ke dina yahA~ kara puNyopArjana kariye / jaina itihAsa : jaina zAstroM meM hastinApura tIrtha kA bahuta varNana AtA hai, prathama tIrthaMkara zrI RSabha deva bhagavAna ne varSIyatapa kA pAranA apane pautra zrI zreyAMsakumAra ke hAtha se ikSurasa se akSaya tRtIyA ( vaisAkha sudi 3) ke dina isI bhUmi meM kiyA thA, Aja bhI zrIsaMgha meM bahuta se sAdhU sAdhvI zrAvaka zrAvikA varSIya tapa karate Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #50 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 35 haiM / ataH prathama tIrthakara punIta tIrtha para padhAra kara varSIyatapa kA pAranA kara janma saphala kIjie / zrI zAntinAtha jI zrI kunthunAtha jI zrI aranAtha jo 16 veM 17veM aura 18veM tIrthaMkaroM ke cAra cAra kalyANaka cyavana, janma, dIkSA aura kevalajJAna 12 kalyANaka isI puNya bhUmi meM hue haiM, jo cakravartI bhI the, 19 veM tIrthaMkara zrI mallInAtha jI kA samavasaraNa, 20 veM tIrthaMkara zrI munisuvrattasvAmIjI se kAttika zeTha kI 1008 seThiyoM ke sAtha dIkSA aura 24veM antima tIrthaMkara zrI mahAvIra svAmI dvArA poTTila aura zivarAjarSI ko dIkSA kA saubhAgya isI hastinApura ko prApta hai / hastinApura kI prAcIna khoja ---- kaurava pANDavoM kI rAjadhAnI hastinApura thI, mahAbhArata purANAdi graMthoM meM isa nagara kI bahuta vyAkhyA hai / svataMtratA milane ke pazcAt bhArata sarakAra ke prAcIna itihAsa ko khoja meM tatpara hai, ataH hastinApura ko bhI mahatva diyA gayA hai / sana 1850-51 meM TIlA ulTA kheDA kI khudAI purAtatva vibhAga naI dehalI ne kI hai, jahA~ para aitihAsika aura prAcIna vastueM aura jaina mUrti nikalI haiM, hastinApura ko 2500-3000 varSa pahile kA basAhuA nagara batAyA jAtA hai| jaina graMthoM meM yaha nagara itihAsa likhe jAne se pahile kA ( Prehistoric ) sthAna hai / abhI yahA~ para bahuta se sthAna aise haiM, jina para purAtatva vibhAga ko dhyAna denA cAhie / Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #51 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 36 uttara pradeza kI sarakAra kA dhyAna :-- ___ bhArata vibhAjana ke pazcAta zaraNArthiyoM ke liye prAntIya sarakAra ne yahA~ naye gA~va basAe haiM, aura dUsare bhI basAe jA rahe haiM jisake liye hastinApura tIrtha kI jamIdArI ko 1200 bodhe jamIna uttara pradeza kI sarakAra ne baz2ariye noTIphikezana naM c/ITI 12-1-45/1946 tArIkha 18-5-48 yU0 pI0 gajaTa ke antargata ekvAyara kara lI hai aura zaraNArthiyoM meM vibhakta kara do hai| jamInoM ke cale jAne se tIrtha kI AmadanI ghaTa gaI hai aura jIrNoddhAra ke jo kArya the ruka gaye haiN| kharcA calAnA bhI kaThina ho rahA hai| nayA hastinApura :-- ___ hastinApura se AdhI mIla dakSiNa ko aura yU0 pI0 sarakAra ne nayA hastinApura nagara basAyA hai| jahA~ para sarakArI baMgale, daphtara, DeyarI phArma, enTI meleriyA senTara, skUla, pAvara hAusa Adi bana gaye haiM aura bana rahe haiN| sarakAra rahane, vyApAra karane aura choTI choTI dastakAriyoM ko phaikTariyA~ kholane ke liye plATsa beca rahI hai| tIrtha ke pAsa basakara deva-darzana, pUjA kA lAbha lete hue vyApAra ko vRddhi kiijie| Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #52 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ prArthanA ataH pUjya AcArya mahArAja, sAdhu sAdhvI mahArAja Adi zrI saMgha se prArthanA hai ki hastinApura tIrtha ko unnati ke liye upadeza dekara isa tIrtha kI mahimA ko samajhAveM aura jIrNodvAra ke kArya meM sahAyatA bhijavAne kA prabandha karAne kI kRpA kareM / tIrtha yAtriyoM se sAnurodha prArthanA hai ki dehalI ke rAste meraTha siTi pahu~cakara basa dvArA hastinApura pahu~ce aura mandira TokoM ke avazya darzana pUjA kara janma saphala kareM / tapasvI zrAvaka zrAvikA sAdhu munirAja akSaya tRtIyA ke dina vArSika tapa kA pAranA karake puNyopArjana kareM / * 37 nivedaka zrIcanda kIkAbhAI pArikha, eDizanala sekreTarIja zrI hastinApura jaina zvetAmbara tIrtha kameTI, ambAlA zahara -- dehalI / kIrtI prasAda prejIDeMTa Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat vilAyatI rAma, sakreTarI Page #53 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 38 Avazyaka sUcanA tIrtha premI aura jIrNoddhAra sahAyaka saMsthAoM aura sajjanoM ko jAna kara bar3I prasannatA hogI, ki zrI zAnti nAtha jI virAjamAna zrI jaina zvetAmbara mandira hastinApura prabandhaka zrI hastinApura jaina zvetAmbara tIrtha kameTI, ambAlA zahara-dehalI ko jamIna TIlA ulTA kheDA kI khudAI karate hue purAtatva vibhAga bhArata sarakAra nyU-dehalI ne hastinApura ko prAcIna aitihAsika mahatvatA kA avalokana karate hue Tole ko uttara kI ora mandira jI ke bAjU meM pakkI sar3aka ke kinAre uMcAI para 2234100 phuTa jamIna kA Tukar3A khudAI se chor3a diyA hai jisa para tIrtha kameTI mandira bhAva Adi racanAe~ aura Avazyaka vastuoM kA punaH nirmANa kregii| hastinApura ke pracIna itihAsa kA digdarzana hogA jinake plAnsa (nakaze) zrI zeTha Ananda jI kalyANa jo ahamadAbAda taiyAra kara rahe haiN| nakaze Ane para prakAzita kiye jaaveNge| udAra hRdaya sajjanoM se nivedana hai ki jIrNoddhAra ke kAryoM meM sahAyatA dete hue zrI hastinApura tIrtha kI mahimA ko dhyAna meM rakhate hue uttarIya bhArata ke prAcIna aitihAsika tIrtha ke jIrNoddhAra kArya meM sahAyatA pradAna kara kRtArtha kreN| prArthI : zrIcanda pahalAvata-kokAbhAI pArikha Additional Secretaries, Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Committee, Naughara Street, Delhi. 6. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #54 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Plate 6-Plate of land released on Mound Ulta-Khera by the Department of Archaeology New Delhi for reconstruction of Temples etc. North-west view. TIle ulTAkheDA para purAtatva vibhAga nyU-dehalI dRzya dvArA mandira Adi sthAna banAne ke chor3A huA plATa uttara-pazcima / Page #55 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #56 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 39 zrI hastinApura jaina zvetAmbara tIrtha kameTI aMbAlA zahara--dehalI padAdhikArI-1950-51 pradhAna-zrI kortIprasAda jI B.A., LLB,Advocate-binolI (meraTha) upapradhAna-zrI maMgalarAmajI-aMbAlA zahara . zrI bhUrumalajI-meraTha maMtrI zrI vilAyatIrAma-aMbAlA zahara eDIzanala sekreTarI--zrI zrIcanda pahalAvata-dehalI zrI kIkAbhAI pArikha-nyUdehalI upamaMtrI zrI jayaprakAza-binolI koSAdhyakSa zrI kizorI zahara sTorakIpara--zrI pArasadAsa---, , oNDITara--zrI paramAnanda--aMbAlA zahara prabandhaka kameTI zrI kIrtIprasAdajI--binolI zrI maMgatarAmajI-aMbAlA zahara zrI bhUrumalajI-meraTha zrI vilAyatI rAmajI-aMbAlAzahara Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #57 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ ___40 zrI vijaya kumArajI-aMbAlA zahara zrI kizorI lAlajI-- ,, zrI zItaladAsa jI- , zrI pArasadAsa jI- , zrI khairAtI zAha jI-dehalI zrI banArasI dAsajI pArakha--,, zrI manasukha bhAI--dehalI zrI zrIcanda pahalAvata- , zrI kIkA bhAI pArikha---nyUdehalI zrI bholAnAtha jI-dehalIzAhadarA zrI mahAbIra prasAdajI--kAMsI (meraTha) zrI vuddhaprakAzajI--saradhanA (meraTha) zrI bAburAmajI, M. A. LLB,--jIrA zrI jayaprakAzajI-binolI (meraTha) zrI tArAcanda jI, zrI ujAgara malajI vakIla-gAjiyAbAda . zrI dIvAna candajI-nikodara. zrI omaprakAzajI-jAnI (meraTha). ------ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #58 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shri Hastinapur Jain Swetamber Tirth Committee 1416HR! SIRINT. DEHI.6 tumna milane kA patA zro dRstinApara jaina zvetAmvara tIrtha kameTI logharA sTrITa dako 6 PRICE Annas Ten. Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #59 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat Page #60 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ thI thaI. zichble It bilen te metaito Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat