THE MYSTERY LANGUAGE perparatory to a coining activity. That A-leim (Elchim) designated the operating forces; and at the same time. when referred to and read through the root l'e'm, of which it is the first person imperfect of the derived conjugation Hiphil-combined and unified them in the formula "I acted mysteriously”_cause an oracular, a veiled activity ; and that Ru (a) kh, Energy, was the inducing cause of the veiled activity. Then I discovered that A-rts (Erets--earth) signified" I run-run roundrevolve ;" and this was properly speaking my starting poirt: for I saw ihat those who had so called the earth were not ignorant of its motion, and that a scientific teaching was comprised in the statement I was examining.
Thereupon I ventured to interpret this statement in this sense: the earth, a revolving and therefore spheroidal body or watery globe, was subject to internal action and reaction, while inertia prevailed over the surface of the energizing mass, and the energy of the forces acting on and through it was (m-r(ua) kli-pth—commencing its energizing action) functioning on the surface of the waters.
Then turning to the opening of the narrative I read, to create a vesture (Bra-sit) for self, the self-developing forces—represented as a veiled unity acting in an unperceivable way through its own energy-created Ha-Shamaim, “the internal essences” (or transparences) and the earth : the transparent essences or concealed energies representing the active principles of the Elohim. The creation of the heavens was certainly
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