action of four-dimensional agencies. There is one phenomena in particular which deserves notice, from its unique evidential value, for it is such that, if the observations of Professor Zollner were correct, it could be explained on no possible hypothesis except the action of unknown forces, since it is quite inimitable by mechanical means. It was as follows: at one of the seances with Slade, while Zollner, Professor Weber and Slade were seated around a table, a bluish light suddenly appeared under the table, casting shadows of the table-legs on the four walls, as was observed by Zollner. The remarkable feature of the phenomena was this, that while the light manifestly came from a point under the table, and threw well-defined shadows, these shadows were not appreciably larger than the table-legs which cast them.
But it is evident that, since the shadows were clearly defined, the source of light must have been of very small area.
A simple experiment will make this clear. Let a lighted lamp on a table near the center of the room be turned down till the flame is of very small area; let the hand now be held between the lamp and the wall, close to the lamp. A much enlarged shadow of the hand will be cast on the wall, well-defined in proportion to the smallness of the flame.
If the lamp be now turned up, as the area of the flame increases, the shadow will be seen to grow blurred and indistinct, will, in fact, be surrounded by a penumbra, or partial shadow,
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