expels, he should continue this in uninterrupted succession. The time taken in making a round of the knee with the palm of the hand, neither very slowly nor very rapidly, and snapping the fingers once is called a matra. Drawing the air through the left nostril for about 16 matras and having retained it (within) for about 64 matras, one should expel it again through the right nostril for about 32 matras. Again fill the right nostril as before (and continue the rest). Practice cessation of breath four times every day (viz.,) at sunrise, noon, sunset and midnight till (80) times are reached. By a continual practice for about three months, the purification of the nadis (astral wires) takes place. When the nadis have become purified certain external signs appear on the body of the Yogi. I shall attempt to describe them. (They are) lightness of the body, brilliancy of complexion, increase of the gastric fire, leanness of the body, and along with these absence of restlessness in the body. The proficient in Yoga should abandon the food detrimental to the practice of Yoga. He should give up salt, mustard, tamarind, things hot, pungent or bitter, vegetables, assafatida, worship of fire, women, walking, bathing at sunrise, emaciation of the body by fasts, etc., During the early stages of practice, milk and rice are ordained; also food consisting of wheat, green gram and red rice are said to favour the progress. Then he will be able to retain his breath as long as he likes. By thus retaining the breath as long as he likes, Kevala Kumbhaka, is attained. When Kevala Kumbhaka is attained by one, and thus expiration and inspiration
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