ribs being very stiff, when any force is exerted on them, most of the force is wasted. If we do not use any force on the sides of the ribs, then we do not give any exercise to them. Both of these, the sides and the diaphragm, must be expanded. The lungs must be filled with air. The system which will effect this, is what we call the deep breathing. We inust first of all take the air in very deeply, feeling at the same time that the sides expand and that the lower part is also expanded. No effort ought to be made to expand the upper part, because the shoulder-bones, collar bones, etc., are not designed for this purpose ; they are not a part of the breathing apparatus ; and no special effort should be made, therefore, in that direction. If the effort is made, that is, if high chest breathing is resorted to, that is simply wasted effort; it is not necessary for breathing at all. The Hindu science gives further rules for breathing also. It says. that the air which comes into the body is composed of different ethers and that there are different ethers in the body, all of which have different qualities. Under certain conditions only one is predominant, under others, two, under others three, etc. If they are in the right proportion, health is the result ; if they are disturbed, the health is disturbed ; and the breathing should be regulated in such a way as to keep the ethers in the right proportion. We may know by the force of the breath which comes out through the nostrils, and by seeing the colors in force in the body, which of the ethers is predominant. How can we get rid of the
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