THE MYSTERY LANGUAGE deliverest”; that Aleph and Taumthe first and last letters of the alphabet - combined as AT, signify the emphatic “ The"-the beginning and end of the communication or object described and designated by the sign thereof, as At-E-Smim (Eth-Aa Shamaim) “ the internal (or veiled) essences."
It is in conformity with these principles that the two persistent letters of a defective root, hy transposition-by reversing their positions constitute another defectiveroot in which the meaning of the original root is. reversed : so that kh'sh, the root of: akhash, “ deprived” which is also the designation of the serpent or spirit- tempter of man-when reversed as sh’kh in Mashiakh-which also designates the Messiah or anointed, who is supposed to be the official reverser of the evil wrought by the betrayer_signifies "invested"; and that the two persistent letters of the root gh'sh'e of the inflection n'gh'sh'e (nahaseh) “ let us make, in regard to the fashioning of man (Gen. i, 26-a sentence which also bears the meanings, “ les man be made, "" let man make himself” when reversedin i'sh'gh (ishuah) signify to "deliver" or "save" and constitute the name attributed to him who was expected to unmake the makings of the Fall.
Another peculiarity of the ideograms, which comfirms the view that they are intended to reflect and recall the original impressions produced on the primitive and truthfully responsive mind of man by the perception of natural objects is this, that, just as those objects. are for the most part endowed with opposing qualities
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