The Vignana (wordly) Atma which dwells in this body, is desuded by Maya during the states of walking, dreaming and dreamless sleep; but after many births, owing to the effect of good Karma, it wishes to attain its own state. Who am I? How has this stain of muudane existence accrued to me? What becomes in (sushupti) the dreamless sleep of me who am engaged in business in the waking and the dreaining states ? Just as a bale of cotton is burnt by fire, so the Chidabhasa, which is the result of non-wisdom, is burnt by the (wise) thoughts like the above. When wisdom is. destroyed, Pratyagatma, that is in the Dahara (akas or ether of the heart), obtains Vignana (worldly wisdom) diffusing itself everywhere and burns in an instant Gnana-maya (sheathy) and Mano-maya (sheath). After this he shines always inside (or in the gross body) like a light within a vessel.
That Muni who conteinplates thus till sleep and till death, is to be known as a jivanmukta (emancipated person). Having done what ought to be done, he is a fortunate person. And having given up (even) the state of a jivanmukta he attains emancipation in a diserabodied state after his body wears off. He attains the state as if of moving in the air. Then that alone remains which is sound less, touchless, formless and deathless, which is rasa (the essence), eternal
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