therefore hardly surprise the reader to find that the peculiarity of the enumerating words, as used in the Mystery Language of the Elohistic Kosmogony, is that they designate and define in succession the phases and conditions they have been hitherto held simply to enumerate: so that their power as mumerals is in reality secondary, und derived, and due to their consecutive use here.
However this inay have been, the "first” active phase of the series of evolution, through which the carth passes that of volcanic action-is termed "I burn." The "second"-that of division, when the fluidic constituents of the atmosphere, including watery vapours and other products of internal igneous action, were separated from the watery globe and enveloped it like a mantle-receives the designation Sh'n-i, (hath devided me). The "third”- that of gathering 10gether, in which the waters subside and the dry land appears, and the process of germination commences is called Shlishi, (hath consolidated me). The “fourtb"- that of incubation, when the action of the luminaries, and more especially solar influence, makes itself fruitfully felt on the now duly prepared eartais defined as R'bigh-i, (Hath fecundated me). The "fifth”-introducing the lower orders of life is described as Kh’misb-i, (hath enriched me). The “sixth" -that of producing the higher orders of life, with their complement, man-is distinguished as E-sh'sh-i, (that
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