Book Title: Yasastilaka and Indian Culture
Author(s): Krishnakant Handiqui
Publisher: Jain Sanskruti Samrakshak Sangh Solapur

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Page 474
________________ 18. QUOTATIONS AND REFERENCES 453 is not found in Manu, and seems to be a subhāṣita. It is cited in Böhtlingk's Indische Sprüche from a Vikramacarita and a Subhāṣitārnava. _The precept cited in Yasastilcka, Book IV (आत्मानं सततं रक्षेद्दारैरपि धनैरपि) is the second line of Manu 7. 213. The verse in question occurs also in Garuda. purāna (Purvakhanda 109. 1). The above citations are all anonymous, but a verse quoted in Book IV (p. 100) is definitely attributed to Vaivasvata Manu and found in the Manusmrti (6.66): भूषितोऽपि चरेद्धर्म यत्र तत्राश्रमे रतः । समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु न लिङ्गं धर्मकारणम् ॥ It may be noted here that Kullūka reads dūşitaḥ for bhūşitaḥ, but the latter reading is found in Medhātithi and adopted by Jolly in his edition of Manu, The verse in question is found also in Agnipurāna 161, 11, which however reads शुद्धभावः for भूषितोऽपि. The following verse on the sufferings in hell of those who kill animals is cited in Book IV as a Puranic tradition (इति कथमियं पौराणिकी श्रुतिः ): __यावन्ति पशुरोमाणि पशुगात्रेषु भारत । तावद्वर्षसहस्राणि पच्यन्ते पशुघातकाः ॥ A. similar verse occurs in Manu 5.38: यावन्ति पशुरोमाणि तावत्कृत्वो ह मारणम् । वृथापशुघ्नः प्रामोति प्रेत्य जन्मनि जन्मनि ॥ Somadeva cites the following verse in Book VII, section 30. महोक्षो वा महाजो वा श्रोत्रियाय विशस्यते । निवेद्यते तु दिव्याय सक्सुगन्धनिधिर्विधिः ॥ There is a similar verse in Yājñavalkya 1. 109 (Ānandāśrama ed.), but the second line in it is entirely different. महोक्षं वा महाजं वा श्रोत्रियायोपकल्पयेत् । सत्क्रियाऽन्वासनं स्वादुभोजनं सूनृतं वचः ।। The following verses are cited anonymously in Book IV. तदुक्तम् विमत्सरः कुचेलाङ्गः सर्वद्वन्द्वविवर्जितः । समः सर्वेषु भूतेषु स पतिः परिकीर्तितः॥ आपस्नानं व्रतस्त्रानं मन्त्रस्नानं तथैव च । आपस्त्रानं गृहस्थस्य व्रतमन्वैस्तपस्विनः॥ न स्त्रीभिः संगमो यस्य यः परे ब्रह्मणि स्थितः । तं शुचिं सर्वदा प्राहुर्मारुतं च हुताशनम् ॥ इति. P.110 उक्तं च तिलसर्षपमात्रं यो मांसमश्नाति मानवः । स श्वभ्रान निवर्तेत यावञ्चन्द्रदिवाकरौ ॥ संदिग्धेऽपि परलोके त्याज्यमेवाशुभं बुधैः। यदि न स्यात्ततः किं स्यादस्ति चेत्रासिको हवःP. 115 तथा च स्मृतिः सप्तग्रामेषु यत् पापममिना भससास्कृते । तस्य चैतद्भवेत् पापं मधुबिन्दुनिषेवणात् ॥ P. 116 The following verses are cited in Book IV as an illustration of alleged contradictory statements found in Smrti texts. The first verse, for example, condemns the acceptance by Brāhmaṇas of food or livelihood from Sūdras, whereas the second verse permits Brāhmaṇas to accept even the flesh of animals killed by Cāņdālas, dogs and tigers for use in religious rites. Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only


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