Book Title: World Religions Conference November 1957
Author(s): Sushil Muni
Publisher: Achal Singh Seth

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Page 28
________________ Background finitized. It is an ideal to be achieved both by individuals and societies in the matter of conduct, culture, art, science and literature. With roots going deep and green foliage over-head, it has but one essence: inner peace-the peace that springs from the Soul-in-Man like the Sun radiates rays of love and light in the Universe. According to Upnishadas-Man is of the same essence as of God. The desire, Bahu Shama (from one to so many) is in his very nature. Indian Culture gave birth to Vedism, Jainism and Buddhism. Persia and Palestine became the cradle of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. China and Japan gave to the world Shintoism and Confucianism. But the process of growth has not stopped with these alone. Each one of them has again branched out into a number of groups, faiths and beliefs. In the Hindu fold for instance, we have Sivaites, Vishnuites, Suryites, Sant-mat and Aryasmaj etc; and in the Christian fold we see Catholics, Protestants, Presbyterians, Puritans, Methodists, Adventists and so on and among Mohamadans we come across, Sunis, Shias, Bohras, Qadianis, Sufis and so forth. Fahein, the great Chinese traveller who came to India in the fifth century speaks of 93 religious sects besides Buddhism in those early times. But what is the hub of all these religious spokes? All of them of course aim at Salvation-call it what you will, Freedom from the Plane of Senses, Rising into Cosmic Awareness, Oneness with the Christ Power or the Spirit of Islam; quest for the One, the Unchangeable Permanence; or Life Eternal. Religion in the East and the West All the religions of the world originated from Asla: The religions of the East, from India and of the West, from Persia and Palestine. In spite of provincial parochialism in religions, the central theme of all is the Edification of Soul. While In the West, religion is considered a social institution, a cementing factor, a source of national strength and medium of peoples' happiness; in the East, it is a means for an integral exprience of the soul; release from pain, sorrow and suffering and a course of Spiritual Discipline that helps in developing love and compassion for all. Religion: Two Views In the present age religion wherever it be, is in a strange predicament: some regard it just a figment of the human imagination, a blind faith and belief in something non-existent and a shadow without substance, giving rise to intolerance, bigotry and prejudice; others consider it as the very life of our life, an active live principle, which is at once creative, preserver and destroyer. While the common man is bewildered between the two extremes, the scientists have no faith in religion and the statesmen find it handy in keeping their subjects in a state of perpetual thraldom. 20 Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat


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