The Memorandum of Association
the World Fellowship of Religions
The World Fellowship of Religion is established on the basis of Dharma (True Religion), with the follow purposes:(a) It shall try to create a genuine Interest in the true spirit of
religion, It shall try to foster interest in the realisation of ultimate
reality (c) ke shall try to raise the motal standard of masses for universal
peace and all-round progress, (d) It shall try to pacify tension arising in the name of religion,
caste, nationalism and other clements of disunity.
1. Nama:
The Association shall be called "The World Fellowship of Religions" and shall hereafter be referred to as "FELLOWSHIP" or W.F.R. It is a voluntary federation of various religions of the world.
2. Object Or Basis :
Dharma (True Religion)
3. Objective or Purpose :
Perfection of Man (Manavta) 4. Activities or Steps to Achieve the Above Objective: (a) To seek, find out, decidë ind disseminatı the Truth, the Reality
and the Universality of Religion.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat