Rules and Regulations
of The Vishwa Ahimsa Sangha
1. Interpretations :
(a) "Sangha" means the Vishw himsa Sangha : : (b) "General Body" means the general body of the members of
the Sangha ; (C) "Council" means the Governing Council of the Sangha ;
2. Patrons.
The Governing Council may invite such persons as may deem to be its patrons.
3. Member of the Sangha :
Any person of the age of 21 or above, who subscribes to the objects of the Sangha by a written declaration to that effect in form,
(a) Shall be eligible to be a member of the Sangha.
4. The following shall be the categories of the members of the
Sangha :
(a) Founder Members :-
The Founder members are those who have associated themselves for the purpose, described in the Memorandum of Association and have set their hands thereunto, and formed themselves into this Society under Act XXl of 1860.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat