Swami Atmanand of Kerala
the Conference but to forge ahead with fortitude and steadfast faith. A gigantic task lies before us. We shall need millions of rupees for this work. I shall appeal to the President and the Prime Minister to kindly arrange for an initial Govt. grant of at least one million and we hope to raise another million from subscriptions and donations from private sources.
I have lost all in speculation. I have with me, a diamond ring worth Rs. 90,000/-/- which I had purchased at an auction of the Customs department. I am prepared to surrender it to the President or the Prime Minister with authority to dispose it off and present its sales proceeds along with the Goyt, aid of a million rupees, for the proposed Ahmisa University. This work of spreading Truth, Love and Non-Violence among the masses is a great task and we must assure Muniji of our whole-hearted support to this arduous burden he has taken upon himself.
Swami Atmanand of Kerala
On behalf of the delegates I wish to thank the organizers of the Conference. It is essential that we recognise the importance of this grand gathering where delegates have gathered from so many foreign countries including Russia. What does it signify! That inspite of the so many out-ward differences all Religions have some common features. It is to recognise this and to emphasise the basis of religions that we are gathered here.
The presence of Christian and Muslim delegates and representatives of the youth of U. S. S. R. has a particular significance. In spite of the attacks of science and modern materialistic ideas the Eternal Religion will not die, cannot die. We have heard that in Russia religion is dead. The presence of these Russian religious potentates, Christian and Mohamaden proves that It is not so. This must hearten us in our endeavours to understand the basic principles of religion. Form may die but principles will live on. It is to these principles that we must owe our allegiance and thus live at peaca with men of religions.
It is when a child is born in a house there is great excitement and joy, and the attention to guests and visitors is forgotten. We have a similiar occasion here. In the rush and hurry of the advent of a great movement, the organisers might not have been attentive to certain small details. All we have to think on this occasion is the joy of the birth of 3 grand movement, an All-World Organisation. Let joy occupyour minds.
This was the last Speech of the Concluding session of the Conference.
Shree Sudharmaswami Gyanbhandar-Umara, Surat