Regular Plot 9: Female folk being unwell, 10: All family members specially earning members indebtedness, disputes, mental tension, being always worried, unwell, having no progress, insolvency, administrative problems are financial stringency, no recognition in society and first & possible. If 3rd / 7th child is female having fourth child if female having troublesome life and martial severe troublesome life & marital discords. discords.
1: All family members specially earning 8: Male folk being unwell,
members being always worried, unwell, indebtedness, disputes, mental
having no progress, financial stringency, tension, insolvency, administrative
no recognition in society and first & fourth problems are possible. If 3rd / 7th
child if male having troublesome life and child is male having severe
martial discords. troublesome life & marital discords.
2: Male folk being unwell,
indebtedness, fights & 7: Head of the family and male members
disputes, mental worries, fire being unwell, bad habits, getting W Z
& theft hazards, court cases, convicted, going to jail, accidents and
problems with administration sudden death are possible.
and second & sixth child if male severe troublesome life
& marital discords. 6: Head of the family and first / fifth child (if male) being unwell, bad habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death are possible. 4: Female folk
3: Female folk being unwell, being unwell, loss
indebtedness, fights & disputes, of name & fame,
mental worries, fire & theft hazards, 5: Head lady, first & fifth child (if
irritable temper,
court cases, problems with female) unwell, irritable temper,
administration and second & sixth mental tension, accidents and
stubborn and
child if female severe troublesome sudden death are possible.
mental worries.
life & marital discords.
Skewed Plot 9: All family members specially earning 10: Male and female folk being unwell, irritable members being always worried, unwell, having nature, mental tension, lack of finance, no male no progress, financial stringency, no recognition issues, administrative problems and court cases in society and first & fourth child having are possible. troublesome life and martial discords.
1: Female folk being unwell,
indebtedness, fights & disputes, 8: Men folk being unwell, bad habits and
mental worries, fire & theft living outside the house is possible.
hazards, court cases, problems
with administration. Second & 7: Female folk being unwell,
sixth child having troublesome indebtedness, disputes, mental
life & marital discords. tension, insolvency, administrative, problems are possible. 3rd / 7th child having severe troublesome life &
2+3: Female folk being marital discords.
unwell, loss of name & fame, irritable temper, becoming
stubborn and mental worries. 5+6: Head of the family and male members being unwell, bad habits, 4: Head of the family and first / fifth child being unwell, bad getting convicted, going to jail,
habits, getting convicted, going to jail, accidents and death accidents and death are possible.
are possible.