अध्याय -८
which cause (and which are caused by) the passions and quasi-passions, the subtypes of the passions and the quasi-passions being sixteen and nine respectively.
नारकतैर्यग्योनमानुषदैवानि ॥१०॥ [नारकतैर्यग्योनमानुषदैवानि ] नरकायु, तिर्यंचायु, मनुष्यायु और देवायु - ये चार भेद आयुकर्म के हैं।
(The life-karmas determine the quantum of life in the states of existence as) infernal beings, plants and animals, human beings, and celestial beings.
परघातातपोद्योतोच्छ्वासविहायोगतयः प्रत्येकशरीरत्रससुभगसुस्वरशुभसूक्ष्मपर्याप्तिस्थिरादेययश:कीर्तिसेतराणि तीर्थकरत्वं च ॥११॥
2 The passions are four – anger, pride, deceitfulness, and greed. Each of these four is further divided into four classes, namely that which leads to infinite births, that which hinders partial abstinence, that which disturbs complete self-restraint, and that which interferes with perfect conduct. Thus the passions make up sixteen.
* The quasi-passions are nine, namely laughter, liking, disliking, sorrow, fear, disgust, the male sex-passion, the female sex-passion, and the neuter sex-passion.