Book Title: Tattvartha Sutra Author(s): Umaswati, Umaswami, Vijay K Jain Publisher: Veer Shasan Sangh Calcutta View full book textPage 8
________________ Professor S.A. Jain's comments on the subject matter are equally illuminating: Shri Pujyapāda's Sarvārthasiddhi has exercised a great fascination on my mind ever since I commenced the study of this great work. Very few works of the world's literature have inspired me to the same extent or have provided equally satisfactory answers to the world's riddles, which have perplexed the greatest thinkers of all ages. No philosophical work that I know of treats of the great issues that confront humanity with the same simplicity, charm, ease and freedom. My endeavour to make a study of Tattvārthsūtra has helped me immensely in my quest for understanding life, and pursuit of happiness. The hardships and afflictions that we have to endure are of our own making. Our deeds, driven by passions, lead to sufferings and reproach in this world and in the next. Virtuous activity alone, which is the cause of merit (puņya), leads to joyous feeling, auspicious life, charming and lustrous physique, and high status. Bread-winning and career-building can at best be tasks in life and not the sole purpose of it. Our ultimate goal is the attainment of the divine attributes, in fullness and perfection, of our souls. We can reach our goal only through the three-fold path of right faith, right knowledge and right conduct. A small effort in the right direction at this stage of our existence as human beings – which is absolutely invaluable - can lead to innumerable years of life endowed with happiness and glory, and ultimately to infinite faith, knowledge, perception, and perfection. There are several authoritative works on the subject which are available in various Jaina temples and libraries. The present book can be a useful starting point for those who would like to delve into the complex issues dealt in Tattvārthsūtra. I make obeisance humble at the worshipful feet of the perfect souls embodied, possessed of infinite knowledge, happiness and power; the perfect souls in nirvana, formless and bodiless, free (vii)Page Navigation
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