Book Title: Sanmati Tarka Author(s): Siddhasen Divakarsuri, Sukhlal Sanghavi, Bechardas Doshi, Dalsukh Malvania Publisher: Jain Shwetambar Education Board Paydhoni Mumbai View full book textPage 9
________________ (iv ) there may be some change or modification in the conclusion arrived at previously. Pramāna Vārtika and several other Buddhist works which have been published for the first time in recent years, are apt to lead us to fix the date in question, in the sixth or the seventh century A. D., in place of in the fifth century A. D., as stated in this edition. But due to want of time, this discussion is not possible at present. Nevertheless, leaving this one point aside, there is nothing in the introduction which may be considered as untenable or doubtful. On the contrary, a critical comparision of Mulāchara has been added afresh in this English version My principal object has been to see that the English translation conveys as far as possible, the true sense and spirit of its original, and I have tried my best to fulfil it through the translators who have helped me in my task. I take this opportunity to offer my thanks to Mr. Rasiklal Parikh who has kindly gone through the introduction, comparing it with the original Gujarati. And I must also express my heart-felt gratitude to both the authors for entrusting me with the editing of this volume and reposing their trust in my responsibility. Dalsukh Malvania Jain Education International For Private & Personal Use Only www.jainelibrary.orgPage Navigation
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