Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS 321 David A. Utz, A survey of Buddhist Sogdian studies (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Minor, III). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1978. IV, 26 pp. David A. Utz's paper consists of a survey of Buddhist Sogdian studies (pp. 1-8); two lists of Sogdian texts (pp. 9-10), (I) a list of texts which can be identified with Chinese Buddhist texts and (II) a list of texts for which an extant parallel text is not yet known, but for which some specific identity can be proved; a discussion of some aspects of Buddhist Sogdian literature (pp. 12-17) and a bibliography (pp. 18-25). Utz remarks that the Buddhist texts translated into Sogdian reflect the interests of the Chinese Buddhist community. As an example he quotes the Sutra of Causes and Effects. He also points out that the fact that some Sogdian texts were translated from Chinese versions which are not preserved raises serious questions concerning the development of the Chinese Tripitaka. Among the future tasks of Buddhist Sogdian studies Utz mentions the publication of unpublished manuscript material, the identification of as many texts as possible, the study of the interaction of the Buddhist community with the Manicheans and of the activities of the Sogdians in the diffusion of stories through Central Asia. R. E. Emmerick, A guide to the literature of Khotan (Studia Philologica Buddhica, Occasional Paper Series, III). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1979. VII, 62 pp. Emmerick's guide to the literature of Khotan contains 16 sections. The first eleven sections (pp. 1-15) are an introduction to Khotanese studies and deal with the following topics: historical background; location of the Khotanese documents; nature of the documents; the script; bibliography; survey of Khotanese literature; transcriptions of texts and fragments; facsimiles; dictionary, chrestomathies; grammar and syntax. On p. 14 Emmerick gives some advice for the study of Old Khotanese. It is very much to be hoped that Emmerick will one day provide an easier way of access than the one outlined here by writing a brief introductory grammar accompanied by a chrestomathy and glossary. Chapters 12-16 give full information on the texts: (12) Buddhist texts [(a) Texts with known titles (pp. 16-38), (b) Texts without known titles (pp. 38-44)];(13) Non-Buddhist literary texts (pp. 45-46); (14) Medical texts (pp. 46-49); (15) Documents other than literary and medical (pp. 49-51); (16) Bilinguals (pp. 51-52). An appendix contains a bibliography of books and articles by R. E. Emmerick (pp. 57-62). Bio-bibliographies de 134 savants (Acta Iranica, Repertoires, volume I = Acta Iranica 20). Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1979. VII, 571 pp. La note liminaire explique que les bio-bibliographies dans ce volume sont compilees par les auteurs eux-memes a qui fut demande un bref curriculum suivi d'une bibliographie aussi detaillee qu'ils la voudraient. Il faut regretter l'absence de quelques savants eminents mais, heureusement, presque tous les savants invites ont reagi positivement. Comme il fallait s'y attendre, il n'y a aucune uniformite dans ce volume. Il y a des savants qui se sont limites a une liste de livres publies, d'autres mentionnent meme des contributions a des journaux. Un savant n'a pas hesite a qualifier un de ses livres de "masterly treatment". Les editeurs n'ont pas precise ce qu'ils entendent par etudes iraniennes et ils ont inclus quelques savants dont les travaux n'ont que des rapports assez eloignes avec ce domaine d'etudes. Le titre de ce livre n'explique pas qu'il contient les bio-bibliographies d'iranistes ce qui risque de creer des problemes pour les


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