Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ 320 RECENT PUBLICATIONS different fields of research. Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy and Rudiger Schmitt are to be congratulated on the publication of this excellent selection. Jean Haudry, L'indoeuropeen (Que sais-je? No. 1798). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1979. 128 pp. Cette introduction a l'indo-europeen par l'auteur de l'emploi des cas en vedique (Lyon, 1977) remplit une lacune importante car le livre celebre de Meillet, Introduction a l'etude comparative des langues indo-europeennes (1903; 7e ed., Paris, 1937), bien qu'irremplacable, ne tient evidemment pas compte des developpements recents. Le morceau de resistance dans ce volume est le chapitre II qui traite de la morphologie (pp. 20-88). Les autres chapitres (phonologie; composition; syntaxe de la phrase simple; syntaxe de la phrase complexe; phraseologie, poetique, metrique; lexique) ne comptent que peu de pages mais ils sont nourris de faits et contiennent des references a des publications recentes. W. B. Henning, Selected Papers (Hommages et Opera Minora vols V-VI = Acta Iranica 14-15). Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1977. VIII, 652 pp., 4 pl. Dfl. 150. -; VII, 666 pp., 32 pl. Dfl. 150. - The Selected Papers reproduce almost all of Henning's articles (more than seventy) and five of his reviews. Also included is Ghilain's Index of Henning's Das Verbum des Mittelpersischen der Turfanfragmente (Museon, 50, 1937, pp. 367-395). The only major omission is his contribution on 'Mitteliranisch' to the Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung, Vierter Band: Iranistik. Erster Abschnit. Linguistik (Leiden-Koln, 1958, pp. 20-130). Also omitted are two books: Bibliography of important studies on Old Iranian subjects (Tehran, 1950) and Zoroaster - politician or witch-doctor? (Oxford University Press, 1951). The articles and reviews are : published in chronological order, beginning with the Mitteliranische Manichaica aus ChinesischTurkestan, I (1932) and ending with 'Ein persischer Titel im Altaramaischen' (In Memoriam Paul Kahle, Berlin, 1968, pp. 138-145) published just after his untimely death (8.1.1967) and not just before as mentioned in the foreword. The importance of Henning's work has been clearly pointed out in obituaries written by three of his pupils (Mary Boyce, BSOAS, 30, 1967, pp. 780-785; Martin Schwarz, IIJ, 10, 1968. pp. 308-313; Ilya Gershevitch, W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, London, 1970, pp. VII-XXIV). The publication of these two volumes will be greatly welcomed, not only by specialists in Iranian studies. Henning's knowledge of languages extended to Chinese, Uigur, Mongolian, Arabic, Armenian, Elamite, Babylonian, and above all Aramaic (cf. Gershevitch, op. cit., p. xxi). He made very important contributions, for instance, to the study of the history of Central Asia. In her preface Mary Boyce expresses the wish that one day an index will be provided for these volumes. In order to make these two volumes more accessible, and especially to scholars who are not specialists in Iranian languages the compilation of two indexes: an index verborum and an index rerum would indeed be extremely desirable. The table of contents of both volumes gives references to the original publications but omits the number of the volume of journals. Fuller bibliographical details and a complete bibliography of Henning's writings can be found in the W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, pp. XXV-XXXIV.


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