Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS Manfred Mayrhofer, Ausgewahlte kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy und Rudiger Schmitt. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1979. 235 pp. DM 54. The bibliography of Manfred Mayrhofer's publications in the period 1947-1978 compiled by Rudiger Schmitt gives evidence of his great productivity (pp. 5-25). Of his many publications nineteen that appeared in the years 1960-1976 are reproduced in this volume under four headings: Indoiranistik; Dravidistik (a review of the Dravidian Etymological Dictionary); Sprachplanungsproblematik (an article entitled: Plansprachen und Sprachplannung); Wissenschaftsgeschichte (a biographical sketch of Anton Boller, the first professor of comparative linguistics and Sanskrit at the University of Vienna from 1850 to 1869; Nietzsche's discovery of the explanation of the name Zarathustra as 'Goldstern'; Herder's publications on Persepolis). The main part of this book is devoted to Indoiranistik (pp. 29-180) which is divided into four sections: A. Zu den indoarischen Sprachresten in Vorderasien und zur Indogermanisierung Indiens; B. Indoarische Sprachgeschichte; C. Iranische Sprachen und ihre Nebenuberlieferung; D. Altiranische Geschichte. A contains two studies on the Aryans in the Near East in which Mayrhofer defends his views against Annelies Kammenhuber and I. M. Diakonoff: Die vorderasiatischen Arier (1969); Die Arier im Vorderen Orient - ein Mythos? (1974; the bibliography is omitted). Also reproduced in this section is an article written in collaboration with W. Eilers in which Paul Kretschmer's theories are critically examined and rejected: Namenkundliche Zeugnisse der indischen Wanderung? Eine Nachprufung (1960). B reproduces two articles. The first, entitled 'Indoarisch lubh-: Homonymie oder semantische Vielfalt?' (1966) rejects the homonymy proposed by T. Burrow (RAS, 1956, pp. 191ff.). The second deals with the spontaneous cerebral nasal in Old Indo-Aryan: Uber spontanen Zerebralnasal im fruhen IndoArischen (1968). Section C contains seven articles. Two concern Old Persian inscriptions: Behistun I 91 (1960); Medismen in der 1967 gefundenen Xerxes-Inschrift? (1973). In 'Germano-Iranica' (1970) Mayrhofer explains the name Ardavastus as Ir. *Rta-vazdah-. The other articles in this section deal mainly with Iranian names found in non-Iranian sources which in German publications are designated as 'Nebenuberlieferung'. Mayrhofer's lecture 'Aus der Namenwelt Alt-Irans' (1971) is an excellent introduction to this topic which in recent years has been in the foreground of the attention of Iranian specialists, especially in connection with the publication of Aramaic and Elamite texts from Persepolis (R. A. Bowman, Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis. Chicago, 1970; R. T. Hallock, Persepolis Fortification Tablets. Chicago, 1969). Together with Elmar Edel, Mayrhofer published an article on foreign names in Egyptian sources: Notizen zu Fremdnamen in agyptischen Quellen (1971). In 'Der Reiner-Test' (1973) Mayrhofer examines the spelling of Iranian names in Elamite texts. 'Ein neuer Beleg zu der indogermanischen Sippe fur "Halsschmuck" (1974) explains ba-ra-man-nu-is on an Elamite tablet from Persepolis as OP *bara-mani- 'Halsband tragend'. The last section (D) contains an article entitled 'Xerxes. Konig der Konige' (1969) in which Mayrhofer examines the figure of Xerxes I on the basis of the Persian and Greek sources. The reproduction of the articles in this volume is excellent. Three articles which had been published originally as typescript are printed in a slightly changed form. A detailed word index has been added by the editors (pp. 225-235). Mayrhofer has contributed two pages of addenda, corrections and cross-references. This beautifully produced book gives a good idea of Manfred Mayrhofer's achievement in Indo-Iranian Journal 22 (1980) 319-325. 0019-7246/80/0224-0319 $00.70. Copyright (c) 1980 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A.


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