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Page #1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS Manfred Mayrhofer, Ausgewahlte kleine Schriften. Hrsg. von Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy und Rudiger Schmitt. Wiesbaden, Dr. Ludwig Reichert Verlag, 1979. 235 pp. DM 54. The bibliography of Manfred Mayrhofer's publications in the period 1947-1978 compiled by Rudiger Schmitt gives evidence of his great productivity (pp. 5-25). Of his many publications nineteen that appeared in the years 1960-1976 are reproduced in this volume under four headings: Indoiranistik; Dravidistik (a review of the Dravidian Etymological Dictionary); Sprachplanungsproblematik (an article entitled: Plansprachen und Sprachplannung); Wissenschaftsgeschichte (a biographical sketch of Anton Boller, the first professor of comparative linguistics and Sanskrit at the University of Vienna from 1850 to 1869; Nietzsche's discovery of the explanation of the name Zarathustra as 'Goldstern'; Herder's publications on Persepolis). The main part of this book is devoted to Indoiranistik (pp. 29-180) which is divided into four sections: A. Zu den indoarischen Sprachresten in Vorderasien und zur Indogermanisierung Indiens; B. Indoarische Sprachgeschichte; C. Iranische Sprachen und ihre Nebenuberlieferung; D. Altiranische Geschichte. A contains two studies on the Aryans in the Near East in which Mayrhofer defends his views against Annelies Kammenhuber and I. M. Diakonoff: Die vorderasiatischen Arier (1969); Die Arier im Vorderen Orient - ein Mythos? (1974; the bibliography is omitted). Also reproduced in this section is an article written in collaboration with W. Eilers in which Paul Kretschmer's theories are critically examined and rejected: Namenkundliche Zeugnisse der indischen Wanderung? Eine Nachprufung (1960). B reproduces two articles. The first, entitled 'Indoarisch lubh-: Homonymie oder semantische Vielfalt?' (1966) rejects the homonymy proposed by T. Burrow (RAS, 1956, pp. 191ff.). The second deals with the spontaneous cerebral nasal in Old Indo-Aryan: Uber spontanen Zerebralnasal im fruhen IndoArischen (1968). Section C contains seven articles. Two concern Old Persian inscriptions: Behistun I 91 (1960); Medismen in der 1967 gefundenen Xerxes-Inschrift? (1973). In 'Germano-Iranica' (1970) Mayrhofer explains the name Ardavastus as Ir. *Rta-vazdah-. The other articles in this section deal mainly with Iranian names found in non-Iranian sources which in German publications are designated as 'Nebenuberlieferung'. Mayrhofer's lecture 'Aus der Namenwelt Alt-Irans' (1971) is an excellent introduction to this topic which in recent years has been in the foreground of the attention of Iranian specialists, especially in connection with the publication of Aramaic and Elamite texts from Persepolis (R. A. Bowman, Aramaic Ritual Texts from Persepolis. Chicago, 1970; R. T. Hallock, Persepolis Fortification Tablets. Chicago, 1969). Together with Elmar Edel, Mayrhofer published an article on foreign names in Egyptian sources: Notizen zu Fremdnamen in agyptischen Quellen (1971). In 'Der Reiner-Test' (1973) Mayrhofer examines the spelling of Iranian names in Elamite texts. 'Ein neuer Beleg zu der indogermanischen Sippe fur "Halsschmuck" (1974) explains ba-ra-man-nu-is on an Elamite tablet from Persepolis as OP *bara-mani- 'Halsband tragend'. The last section (D) contains an article entitled 'Xerxes. Konig der Konige' (1969) in which Mayrhofer examines the figure of Xerxes I on the basis of the Persian and Greek sources. The reproduction of the articles in this volume is excellent. Three articles which had been published originally as typescript are printed in a slightly changed form. A detailed word index has been added by the editors (pp. 225-235). Mayrhofer has contributed two pages of addenda, corrections and cross-references. This beautifully produced book gives a good idea of Manfred Mayrhofer's achievement in Indo-Iranian Journal 22 (1980) 319-325. 0019-7246/80/0224-0319 $00.70. Copyright (c) 1980 by D. Reidel Publishing Co., Dordrecht, Holland, and Boston, U.S.A. Page #2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 320 RECENT PUBLICATIONS different fields of research. Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy and Rudiger Schmitt are to be congratulated on the publication of this excellent selection. Jean Haudry, L'indoeuropeen (Que sais-je? No. 1798). Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1979. 128 pp. Cette introduction a l'indo-europeen par l'auteur de l'emploi des cas en vedique (Lyon, 1977) remplit une lacune importante car le livre celebre de Meillet, Introduction a l'etude comparative des langues indo-europeennes (1903; 7e ed., Paris, 1937), bien qu'irremplacable, ne tient evidemment pas compte des developpements recents. Le morceau de resistance dans ce volume est le chapitre II qui traite de la morphologie (pp. 20-88). Les autres chapitres (phonologie; composition; syntaxe de la phrase simple; syntaxe de la phrase complexe; phraseologie, poetique, metrique; lexique) ne comptent que peu de pages mais ils sont nourris de faits et contiennent des references a des publications recentes. W. B. Henning, Selected Papers (Hommages et Opera Minora vols V-VI = Acta Iranica 14-15). Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1977. VIII, 652 pp., 4 pl. Dfl. 150. -; VII, 666 pp., 32 pl. Dfl. 150. - The Selected Papers reproduce almost all of Henning's articles (more than seventy) and five of his reviews. Also included is Ghilain's Index of Henning's Das Verbum des Mittelpersischen der Turfanfragmente (Museon, 50, 1937, pp. 367-395). The only major omission is his contribution on 'Mitteliranisch' to the Handbuch der Orientalistik, Erste Abteilung, Vierter Band: Iranistik. Erster Abschnit. Linguistik (Leiden-Koln, 1958, pp. 20-130). Also omitted are two books: Bibliography of important studies on Old Iranian subjects (Tehran, 1950) and Zoroaster - politician or witch-doctor? (Oxford University Press, 1951). The articles and reviews are : published in chronological order, beginning with the Mitteliranische Manichaica aus ChinesischTurkestan, I (1932) and ending with 'Ein persischer Titel im Altaramaischen' (In Memoriam Paul Kahle, Berlin, 1968, pp. 138-145) published just after his untimely death (8.1.1967) and not just before as mentioned in the foreword. The importance of Henning's work has been clearly pointed out in obituaries written by three of his pupils (Mary Boyce, BSOAS, 30, 1967, pp. 780-785; Martin Schwarz, IIJ, 10, 1968. pp. 308-313; Ilya Gershevitch, W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, London, 1970, pp. VII-XXIV). The publication of these two volumes will be greatly welcomed, not only by specialists in Iranian studies. Henning's knowledge of languages extended to Chinese, Uigur, Mongolian, Arabic, Armenian, Elamite, Babylonian, and above all Aramaic (cf. Gershevitch, op. cit., p. xxi). He made very important contributions, for instance, to the study of the history of Central Asia. In her preface Mary Boyce expresses the wish that one day an index will be provided for these volumes. In order to make these two volumes more accessible, and especially to scholars who are not specialists in Iranian languages the compilation of two indexes: an index verborum and an index rerum would indeed be extremely desirable. The table of contents of both volumes gives references to the original publications but omits the number of the volume of journals. Fuller bibliographical details and a complete bibliography of Henning's writings can be found in the W. B. Henning Memorial Volume, pp. XXV-XXXIV. Page #3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS 321 David A. Utz, A survey of Buddhist Sogdian studies (Bibliographia Philologica Buddhica, Series Minor, III). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1978. IV, 26 pp. David A. Utz's paper consists of a survey of Buddhist Sogdian studies (pp. 1-8); two lists of Sogdian texts (pp. 9-10), (I) a list of texts which can be identified with Chinese Buddhist texts and (II) a list of texts for which an extant parallel text is not yet known, but for which some specific identity can be proved; a discussion of some aspects of Buddhist Sogdian literature (pp. 12-17) and a bibliography (pp. 18-25). Utz remarks that the Buddhist texts translated into Sogdian reflect the interests of the Chinese Buddhist community. As an example he quotes the Sutra of Causes and Effects. He also points out that the fact that some Sogdian texts were translated from Chinese versions which are not preserved raises serious questions concerning the development of the Chinese Tripitaka. Among the future tasks of Buddhist Sogdian studies Utz mentions the publication of unpublished manuscript material, the identification of as many texts as possible, the study of the interaction of the Buddhist community with the Manicheans and of the activities of the Sogdians in the diffusion of stories through Central Asia. R. E. Emmerick, A guide to the literature of Khotan (Studia Philologica Buddhica, Occasional Paper Series, III). Tokyo, The Reiyukai Library, 1979. VII, 62 pp. Emmerick's guide to the literature of Khotan contains 16 sections. The first eleven sections (pp. 1-15) are an introduction to Khotanese studies and deal with the following topics: historical background; location of the Khotanese documents; nature of the documents; the script; bibliography; survey of Khotanese literature; transcriptions of texts and fragments; facsimiles; dictionary, chrestomathies; grammar and syntax. On p. 14 Emmerick gives some advice for the study of Old Khotanese. It is very much to be hoped that Emmerick will one day provide an easier way of access than the one outlined here by writing a brief introductory grammar accompanied by a chrestomathy and glossary. Chapters 12-16 give full information on the texts: (12) Buddhist texts [(a) Texts with known titles (pp. 16-38), (b) Texts without known titles (pp. 38-44)];(13) Non-Buddhist literary texts (pp. 45-46); (14) Medical texts (pp. 46-49); (15) Documents other than literary and medical (pp. 49-51); (16) Bilinguals (pp. 51-52). An appendix contains a bibliography of books and articles by R. E. Emmerick (pp. 57-62). Bio-bibliographies de 134 savants (Acta Iranica, Repertoires, volume I = Acta Iranica 20). Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1979. VII, 571 pp. La note liminaire explique que les bio-bibliographies dans ce volume sont compilees par les auteurs eux-memes a qui fut demande un bref curriculum suivi d'une bibliographie aussi detaillee qu'ils la voudraient. Il faut regretter l'absence de quelques savants eminents mais, heureusement, presque tous les savants invites ont reagi positivement. Comme il fallait s'y attendre, il n'y a aucune uniformite dans ce volume. Il y a des savants qui se sont limites a une liste de livres publies, d'autres mentionnent meme des contributions a des journaux. Un savant n'a pas hesite a qualifier un de ses livres de "masterly treatment". Les editeurs n'ont pas precise ce qu'ils entendent par etudes iraniennes et ils ont inclus quelques savants dont les travaux n'ont que des rapports assez eloignes avec ce domaine d'etudes. Le titre de ce livre n'explique pas qu'il contient les bio-bibliographies d'iranistes ce qui risque de creer des problemes pour les Page #4 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 322 RECENT PUBLICATIONS bibliothecaires. En tous cas, ceux qui s'interessent de pres ou de loin aux etudes iraniennes sauront gre aux editeurs d'avoir compile ce precieux compendium. Ajoutons que ce volume contient egalement une liste, par noms d'auteurs, des articles publies dans les dix-neufs volumes precedents des Acta Iranica. Henry Corbin, The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism. Translated from the French by Nancy Pearson. Boulder & London, Shambala, 1978. 174 pp. $ 6.95. The Man of Light in Iranian Sufism is an English translation of L'homme de lumiere dans le soufisme iranien (Paris, 1971). In this work Corbin traces the ideas of color and light as symbols of spiritual development in the works of Sohravardi (died 1191) and Najmoddin Kobra (died 1220). As. C.-H. de Fouchecour wrote recently in his obituary of Henry Corbin ("Henry Corbin (1903-1978)", JA 1979, pp. 231-237) his writings are those of a theosophist. This short work is a typical example of his work and will certainly be welcomed by his many readers in AngloSaxon countries. C. E. Bosworth, The Later Ghaznavids: Splendour and Decay. The dynasty in Afghanistan and Northern India 1040-1186. Edinburgh University Press, 1977. VII, 196 pp. PS 8.50. This book is a sequel to Bosworth's book, The Ghaznavids, their empire in Afghanistan and eastern Iran 994-1040 which was published in 1963. Although this work covers a longer period than the previous one, it is much shorter. This is due to the fact that the sources for the middle and later Ghaznavids are fewer than those for the earlier period. An appendix contains a translation of a section, dealing with the Ghaznavids, in Ibn Baba al-Qashani's Kitab. Ra's mal an-nadim. Klaus Mylius, Alteste indische Dichtung und Prosa. Vedische Hymnen, Legenden, Zauberlieder, philosophische und ritualistische Lehren. Leipzig, Verlag Philipp Reclam jun., 1978. 268 pp. DDR 2, - M. Klaus Mylius's book contains a translation of a selection of Vedic hymns and prose texts. A 'Nachwort' gives a brief introduction to the Vedic literature and a sketch of the history of Vedic studies (pp. 233-251). A glossary explains Sanskrit terms (pp. 252-261). Mylius translates some fifty hymns from the Rgveda (17 from book X), twenty hymns from the Atharvaveda, two extracts from the Taittiriya-Samhita, selections from four Brahmanas (Aitareya, Pancavimsa, Jaiminiya and Satapatha), selections from six Upanisads (Chandogya, Kena, Katha, Maitrayani, Svetasvatara, Behadaranyaka) and two sections from Sutras (Asvalayana-Srautasutra II, 2-5; Sankhayana-Gihyasutra I, 19-25). The translations are accompanied by brief notes. This selection which contains many famous texts is an excellent introduction to the Vedic literature for the general reader. Page #5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS 323 Klaus Mylius, Chrestomathie der Sanskritliteratur. Leipzig, VEB Verlag Enzyklopadie, 1978. 287 pp. 32. - M. In his preface Mylius writes that a chrestomathy must fulfill the three conditions of taking into account different degrees of difficulty, the historical development of the literature and as many types of literature as possible. For these reasons Mylius has included texts which R. Garbe and A. Hillebrandt wanted to see added to Bohtlingk's Chrestomathie. This chrestomathy is certainly very comprehensive and contains many. texts which are not usually found in Sanskrit readers. The first section, 'Vedische Literatur' (pp. 10-67), contains selections from the Samhitas, the Brahmanas, the Aranyakas, the Upanisads and the Sutras. The second section, 'Epische Literatur' (pp. 70-137), presents extracts from the two epics and from two Puranas (Visnu; Bhagavata). The Mahabharata is well represented with more than fifty pages. The following section, 'Klassische Literatur' (pp. 140-226), contains a great variety of texts (Sakuntala I; V, 9,2-V, 32; Kiratarjuniya IX, XV; Pancatantra, Einleitung, I, 4, III: einleitende Rahmenhandlung; Kathasaritsagara, XXIV, 82-205; LXVI, 110-135; Meghaduta, Gitagovinda I, II, III, XI; Sangarasataka; Dasakumaracarita II; Divyavadana XX). The last section, 'Wissenschaftliche Literatur' (pp. 228-287), includes selections from Manu (III, 4-66; IX, 1-103; IX, 104-220), the Yajnavalkyasmoti (II, 1-94), the Kautiliya Arthasastra (I, 2-21), the Kamandakiya Nitisara (IX, X, XIII), the Sarvadarsanasamgraha (Carvaka chapter), the Rajatarangini (II, 18-54; V, 68-121; VI, 175-366), the Kavyadarsa (I) and the Kamasutra (1. 3: IV. 1). The texts are introduced by brief comments but are not accompanied by explanatory notes. Mylius writes in the preface that his chrestomathy is meant to be studied under the direction of a teacher. He adds that almost all texts can be read with the help of his Worterbuch Sanskrit-Deutsch (Leipzig, 1975) with the exception of the following texts: Kautiliya Arthasastra, Kamandakiya Nitisara, Sarvadarsanasangraha, Kavyadarsa and Kamasutra. The texts are reproduced in romanisation. This will certainly be welcomed by beginners but the usefulness of this excellent chrestomathy would have been enhanced if Mylius had separated words which do not form a compound. It is neither necessary nor desirable to imitate devanagari editions and to write, for example, tasmadahamupalipsuh (p. 206), instead of tasmad aham upalipsuh. Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat, Oeuvres poetiques de Nilakantha Diksita, I. Texte, traduction et notes (Publications de l'Institut Francais d'Indologie No. 36). Pondichery, Institut Francais d'Indologie, 1967.57 + 362 pp., 10 figures. Dans une longue introduction M. P.-S. Filliozat examine la vie et l'oeuvre de Nilakantha Diksita, petit-neveu du celebre Appayya Diksita, et auteur d'ouvrages scolastiques (un commentaire sur le Pradipa de Kaiyata; le Saubhagyacandratapa, un traite de rituel sakta; le Sivatattvarahasya, un expose de la theologie et de la legende de Siva), de trois stotra (Sivotkarsamanjari, Candirahasya, Raghuvirastava), de deux kavga (Mukundavila sa, Gangavatarana), d'un drame (Nalacaritra), d'une campu (Nilakanthavijayacampu, ecrite en 1637-1638), de deux ouvrages inspires par la ville de Maturai (Anandasagarastava, Sivalilarnava) et de courts recueils de vers. Selon M. Filliozat son oeuvre est l'expression eloquente de l'ideal du brahmane lettre. Il releve quelques traits dominants de sa vie: "l'heritage culturel d'une famille et d'un cercle important de lettres centre vers Kanci, la formation a l'ecole de Tanjavur qui fut la plus brillante du temps, une periode de dissipation a la cour d'un prince, puis une haute consideration gagnee dans le cercle des brahmanes de Maturai, la position d'arbitre des lettres et l'inclination progressive vers une vie interieure spirituelle plus intense, enfin la retraite a Palamatai, la prise de refuge dans la bhakti et le vairagya" (p. 27). Ce premier volume de ses oeuvres poetiques contient texte et Page #6 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ 324 RECENT PUBLICATIONS traduction des ouvrages suivants: Kalividambana, Sabharanjanasataka, Anyapadesasataka, Sivotkarsamanjari, Candirahasya, Raghuvirastava, santivilasa, Gurutattvamalika, Vairagyasataka et Anandasagarastava. La traduction est suivie de notes detaillees. Un appendice contient des textes relatifs a Nilakantha Diksita. R. R. Pandey, Man and the universe (in the orthodox systems of Indian philosophy). Delhi, GDK Publications, 1978. XVI, 201 pp. Rs. 45. The author examines the relation between man and the universe in the Vedas, the Upanisads and the six darsanas and explains why he prefers the system of the Advaita vedanta. The author is certainly well acquainted with the traditional Indian philosophical systems but his book does not reveal any new insights. Roy C. Amore (ed.), Developments in Buddhist Thought: Canadian Contributions to Buddhist Studies (SR supplement 9). Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979. IV, 194 pp. $ 5.00 The nine essays in this volume deal with (I) - the problem of being: Mervyn Sprung, The problem of being in Madhyamika Buddhism (pp. 8-25), Mahesh Mehta, Sunyata and dharmata: the Madhyamika view of inner reality (pp. 26-37), H. V. Guenther, The experience of being: the trikaya idea in its Tibetan interpretation (pp. 38-58); (II) - Buddhism in India: Klaus Klostermaier, Hindu views of Buddhism (pp. 60-82), Bimal K. Matilal, Transmigration and the causal chain in Nyaya and Buddhism (pp. 83-92), Roy C. Amore, Giving and harming: Buddhist symbols of good and evil (pp. 93-103), Paul Young, Buddhism and the Indian religious tradition (pp. 104-112) and (III) - Buddhism in China: Leon Hurvitz, The mind of the early Chinese Buddhist (pp. 114-161), JAN, Yun-hua, Li P'ing-shan and his refutation of Neo-Confucian criticism of Buddhism (pp. 162-193). Mahesh Mehta analyzes carefully the Madhyamika view of the absolute and distinguishes a transphenomenal and a phenomenal absolute. JAN Yun-hua's article on Li P'ing-shan (1185-1231) is a very useful contribution to the study of the Buddhist reaction to Neo-Confucianism. Leon Hurvitz attempts to analyze the chief characteristics of Chinese Buddhism in the fourth century; his article contains a detailed bibliography. The topics dealt with in the other essays are clearly indicated by their titles. This volume is certainly representative of Buddhist studies in Canada. There appears to be a great interest in Buddhism in several Canadian universities, but it is perhaps a bit exaggerated to say that "Canada can boast of a concentration of leading Buddhologists not easily matched elsewhere" (p. 3). Michel Hulin, Hegel et l'Orient suivi de la traduction annotee d'un essai de Hegel sur la Bhagavad-Gita. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1979. 224 pp. M. Michel Hulin examines dans ce livre, d'un point de vue philosophique, la conception de l'Orient dans l'oeuvre de Hegel. C'est surtout dans ses cours de Berlin consacres a la philosophie de l'histoire et a la philosophie de la religion que Hegel donne une grande place a l'etude de Page #7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ RECENT PUBLICATIONS 325 l'Orient. M. Hulin analyse la genese des idees de Hegel, leur developpement dans les cours de Berlin, et les grandes lignes de ses analyses des civilisations orientales. Le travail de M. Hulin n'est pas seulement important pour l'etude de Hegel, mais aussi pour l'histoire des etudes orientales car il montre l'attitude polemique de Hegel vis-a-vis de l'interpretation de l'Orient par le romantisme allemand. Dans une annexe M. Hulin publie une traduction francaise de deux articles de Hegel, publies en 1827, qui sont diriges surtout contre l'interpretation humaniste de la Bhagavadgita par Wilhelm von Humboldt (uber die unter dem Namen Bhagavad-Gita bekannte Episode des Mahabharata. Berlin, 1826). On aurait souhaite voir dans ce meme volume une traduction du travail de von Humboldt.