Book Title: Recent Publications

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________________ 324 RECENT PUBLICATIONS traduction des ouvrages suivants: Kalividambana, Sabharanjanasataka, Anyapadesasataka, Sivotkarsamanjari, Candirahasya, Raghuvirastava, santivilasa, Gurutattvamalika, Vairagyasataka et Anandasagarastava. La traduction est suivie de notes detaillees. Un appendice contient des textes relatifs a Nilakantha Diksita. R. R. Pandey, Man and the universe (in the orthodox systems of Indian philosophy). Delhi, GDK Publications, 1978. XVI, 201 pp. Rs. 45. The author examines the relation between man and the universe in the Vedas, the Upanisads and the six darsanas and explains why he prefers the system of the Advaita vedanta. The author is certainly well acquainted with the traditional Indian philosophical systems but his book does not reveal any new insights. Roy C. Amore (ed.), Developments in Buddhist Thought: Canadian Contributions to Buddhist Studies (SR supplement 9). Waterloo, Ontario, Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 1979. IV, 194 pp. $ 5.00 The nine essays in this volume deal with (I) - the problem of being: Mervyn Sprung, The problem of being in Madhyamika Buddhism (pp. 8-25), Mahesh Mehta, Sunyata and dharmata: the Madhyamika view of inner reality (pp. 26-37), H. V. Guenther, The experience of being: the trikaya idea in its Tibetan interpretation (pp. 38-58); (II) - Buddhism in India: Klaus Klostermaier, Hindu views of Buddhism (pp. 60-82), Bimal K. Matilal, Transmigration and the causal chain in Nyaya and Buddhism (pp. 83-92), Roy C. Amore, Giving and harming: Buddhist symbols of good and evil (pp. 93-103), Paul Young, Buddhism and the Indian religious tradition (pp. 104-112) and (III) - Buddhism in China: Leon Hurvitz, The mind of the early Chinese Buddhist (pp. 114-161), JAN, Yun-hua, Li P'ing-shan and his refutation of Neo-Confucian criticism of Buddhism (pp. 162-193). Mahesh Mehta analyzes carefully the Madhyamika view of the absolute and distinguishes a transphenomenal and a phenomenal absolute. JAN Yun-hua's article on Li P'ing-shan (1185-1231) is a very useful contribution to the study of the Buddhist reaction to Neo-Confucianism. Leon Hurvitz attempts to analyze the chief characteristics of Chinese Buddhism in the fourth century; his article contains a detailed bibliography. The topics dealt with in the other essays are clearly indicated by their titles. This volume is certainly representative of Buddhist studies in Canada. There appears to be a great interest in Buddhism in several Canadian universities, but it is perhaps a bit exaggerated to say that "Canada can boast of a concentration of leading Buddhologists not easily matched elsewhere" (p. 3). Michel Hulin, Hegel et l'Orient suivi de la traduction annotee d'un essai de Hegel sur la Bhagavad-Gita. Paris, Librairie philosophique J. Vrin, 1979. 224 pp. M. Michel Hulin examines dans ce livre, d'un point de vue philosophique, la conception de l'Orient dans l'oeuvre de Hegel. C'est surtout dans ses cours de Berlin consacres a la philosophie de l'histoire et a la philosophie de la religion que Hegel donne une grande place a l'etude de


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