[ XIX 1
Pages Eight : Mechanics of Change
112 - 123 Process of Change and Nine Tattvas 112, Essential Tendency of Every Jiva 113, Pāpa and Punya : Both of Binding Nature 114, Asrava (influx ) 115, Bandha ( bondage ) 116, Samvara 117, Experience based thinking process 118, Understanding of Jiva, the sine qua non of all understanding 119, Nirjara 120,
Mokşa ( final liberation ) 123. Nine : Pluralistic Realism
124 - 132 Paryāyārthika Naya (Aspect of Modification or change ) and Dravyārthika Naya ( Aspect of substratum ) 127, Seven classes of Nayas
128, Utility of Naya theory 131. Ten : Theory of Relativity
133 - 144 Why relativity ? (Kşetra : place, Kāla : time Akara: shape and Bhāva : concept, Contribute to our judgement, Hence all knowledge is relative ) 133, Importance of a negative ( The word 'Syāt not used to express doubt but is used to indicate many-fold aspects, Sarkara's comments and reply of scholars ) 135, Is the 'Self' permanent or transitory (Paryāya, the changing mode and Dravya, the unchanging substance, All things are within their own limitations, but are not' beyond their limitations ) 138, The doctrine of duality 139, Importance of Anekånta 140. How the doctrine clarifies 'Self' and 'Ahimsa' 141, Anekanta and Ahimsa ( Real revolution is enlargement of man's power of understanding ) 141, Einstein's Theory ( What Einstein did on the plane of physics, Mahāvīra did in the field of thou
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