Our Cultural Heritage
All work and no play make Jack a dull boy. Spare some time for family life, education and growth of children, contacts with friends, etc. Too many late night stay-ups, late night TV watching, returning late from the club; All these can be harmful to health and cultural habits.
Use of Intoxicants and Bad Habits: In this age, to escape from over work and mental tension, and for imaginary enjoyment, man is leaning more and more towards heavy smoking, drinking, gambling, tobacco chewing, tobacco leaf, meat eating, club life, blue films and be
uncontrolled behavior. None of these is really s needed, and all these are harmful to health. O
This can be seen from the lives of many modern people such as; Bernard Shaw, Shri Morarjibhai Desai, Shri Guzarilal Nanda, Shri Atalbihari Bajpai, Shri Ravishankar Dada, Mrs. Maneka Gandhi, and other innumerable freedom fighters. Even modern science agrees that such things adversely affect the health of body and mind in varying degree. It has been proven by several researches that use of tobacco (eating, drinking, chewing, and rubbing), liquor and other such intoxicants certainly harm the health, invite early aging and even premature death.
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